Imma Scream 🥶

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^bruhh my baby is so handsome 😩💙

"Melo bitch, no you can't come over it's 2 in the morning you crazy" i nearly yelled thru the phone "Nah you crazy baby, now open the door cuz I'm here and I ain't leaving" melo said on the other side "Nah go home" I sternly said "girl open this door before I start ringing the door bell and kicking the door" Melo threaten me, I rolled my eyes at his threat "ok ok fine" i said and hung up, I recently came out the shower so I let my curly hair down cuz it was kinda wet and I slipped on a big white t-shirt that was above my knee's and my Nike sandals. I quietly walked downstairs to see my parents alseep on the couch with the tv on, I lowkey wanted to laugh but I couldn't I had to get Melo inside before his ass starts with his shit. I open the door quietly to reveal Melo in grey sweats and a black hoodie "I was about to ring it" he smiled I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by his shirt to pull him in side. "Das right, my way to the high way" he said and did a little dance "you about to go dat way if you don't get ur ass up stairs" I said pointing to the door.
"Ight ight" he walked up stairs with me following behind him, once we got inside I closed the door and switched the tv in my room on "so you wanna watch Netflix?" I asked him "you already know mamas" he kicked off his shoes and laid himself on the bed, I turned off the light and cuddle up to him.

*An hour later

"Melo babe isn't your parents gonna find out you gone?" I ask him during the movie "shit your right, my dad always be checking up on me" he rolled his eyes making me chuckle "ight baby see you tmw?" I said getting up from the bed and he followed "fosho but there's one thing I need from you" he smirked...oh no "what is it?" I asked "I need you to suck my dick ma" he cheekily smiled.."aww hell no Melo you trynna get us killed, boy get your ass home" I whispered yelled "You suck my dick or imma yell and get us killed" Melo sternly said. I gulp my Silva fuck I got to do it or he gonna get me killed "ok fine but Then you out" I raised my eyebrows "fosho baby" he smiled.

I got to my knees and pulled down his sweats "I hate you right now" I said as I looked up at him and he looked down at me and blew me a kiss. I then pulled down his boxers to see him already hard I looked up at him one more time to see him with his eyes closed. I smirked to myself cuz of the power I had over him, I start to kitty lick the tip making him whimper "stop playing" he groaned. I start to suck his tip slowly moving down, than I start going faster "fuckkk" he moaned pretty loud causing me to stop "Melo shhh" I said and he nodded I than continue for another two minutes or so until we hear my mom yell "Y/N girl what are you doing up there?" I stopped and made eye contact with Melo and he was scared asf too "I'm coming up" my mom yelled. "Fuck fuck fuck" melo said as he pulled up his sweats and slipped on his shoes "where the hell do I go?" He asked "the window just climb the tree ight" I said in a panicked voice he quickly opened my window and climbed the tree, I put on a show on Netflix and closed the window and threw myself on my bed and not a minute later my mom busted into my room "girl what you doing up here? why it sounded like that boy of yours was over" she raised her brow "Nah mom I'm watching a Netflix show and a scene came on" I put my poker face on "hmmm" she nodded her head barely believing me and closing the door. I waited a little then quickly got up and opened my window to see melo already on the ground "good night mamas, thanks for tonight" he smiled at me "good night baby" I blew him a kiss and he caught it and placed it in his chest.

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