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It was the End of the day, it was a Friday I was at my locker but before I closed it he slammed it shut catching mines and everyone's attention in the halls. I rolled my eyes and looked up locking eyes with my one and only Bully Lamelo ball, I don't why but Lamelo started bullying me in 10th grade and now we're seniors. I would usually ignore him and shit or I would fight back ofc but I wasn't in the mood to deal with his shit today. "Dam Don't you ever get bored of doing this shit?" I said with sass and crossed my arms "don't you ever get bored of being an ugly ass bitch?" He smirked. I felt my blood boiling but ofc I wasn't gonna give him the pleasure to see me mad so I laughed "you say I'm an ugly ass bitch yet since 10th grade you been following me around like a lost dog so clearly I know your obsessed with me" I smirked the people who were looking our direction were whispering stuff to one another "Y-you're so" Melo stuttered in his words and I seen the light blush he had on his cheeks. Before he could get a sentence out his mouth I walked away and made my way out the school. "Hey girl what took you so long?" My best friend Destiny said "girl don't get me started" I said rolling my eyes making her chuckle "ight than but we have a party to go too!! Mikey throwing it and you know he gets down with parties" she said hyped "yea Thas true" I went a little silent because I know Melo was one of Mikey's best friends and I know he was gonna be there but I wasn't gonna let him stop me "ight girl pick me up! Let's go around 7?" I asked and she nodded and we continued to walk to her car.

Anyways Destiny dropped me off at my house and I finished my homework and took a shower it was already 5 so I started to get ready. I did my natural makeup look and did my hair and texted destiny I was done.

I went for a casual look cuz I knew I still would look good but anyways it was almost already 7 and destiny just arrived she texted me so I said bye to my mom and got into destiny's car

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I went for a casual look cuz I knew I still would look good but anyways it was almost already 7 and destiny just arrived she texted me so I said bye to my mom and got into destiny's car.

*skip the drive

After destiny parked we made our way to Mikey's house you can hear everyone and the music and you also already get the smell of liquor and weed. we stood outside the front before walking in I said "ok bitch don't leave without me and don't get too wasted" I laughed making her laugh too "don't worry I won't" she smirked making me roll my eyes. We entered the house and there was a lot of people there was people dancing and people smoking on the couch. "Come on" Destiny said and grabbed my hand walking through the crowd of people "hey Mikey" she said all flirty when we got where she wanted us to be. "Wass up y'all made it!" Mikey said giving us a hug and i felt eyes on me already. I looked passed mikey's shoulder and met eyes with Lamelo, he smirked and I rolled my eyes. "So um y/n you wouldn't mind if I take Destiny for a lil bit?" Mikey asked and destiny was giving me the face "of course not she's all yours" I faked smiled. Soon they left and I was alone with Melo. "So your friend ditched you" he came up to me "so did yours" I replied back with annoyance "why you got attitude?" He took a sip of his drink "never mind, I'm gonna find the restroom " I gave him a fake smile and made my way up stairs. I found the restroom and used it after I washed my hands I opened the door only to be pushed back into the restroom and the lights were out. "What the hell?!" I yelled but was quickly cut off by a pair of lips kissing me. I don't know what came over me but I quickly returned the favor, I don't know why exactly why I did but it felt so right. I pulled away and turn the lights back on "you got to be kidding me" I said, there stood Lamelo with flushed cheeks "you ? Why are you here?" I crossed my arms "shut up ok clearly I'm into you and I'm pretty sure your into me too" he replied. "And how would you be so sure about that?" I raised my eyebrows "cuz you would have been out of here already" he said and walked towards me and put his hands on my waist bringing our bodies closer to each other. I looked up at him and he was already looking down at me, I stood on my tippy toes and grabbed his face pulling it down onto mines. I licked my lips before I kissed him and he quickly kissed back, he carried me and placed me on the sink moving his hand from my waist down to my 🐱. He put his index finger in me and my breathe hitched "by the way you look good tonight" he whispered in my ear while playing with me "stop teasing me" I whimpered. He kissed me one last time before he moved his hand out my area and pulled back "now look who's obsessed" he winked at me and walked out the restroom. "Dick" I mumbled.

Should I do Melos prov for this? Or just another chapter in Your prov?

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