Smacked 💀❤️

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I was currently driving to the ball mansion since Melo had called me over like an hour ago but I was busy helping my mom with some errands. I had stopped by McDonald and brought 2 ten piece chicken nuggets & Large fries and two cokes cuz I know his ass likes to eat. It wasn't far too long when I pull up to his house, I parked my car in the drive way. I knocked and waited for the door to open by his mother. "Hi Tina it's good to see you" I smile "Hi y/n it's good to see you too come in" she let me in and went in for a hug and so did I "well Melo is in his room do you can head up stairs" "ok thanks Tina" I smiled than walked off the stairs.

As I walked up the stairs I heard snoring very lightly but as I got closer then shits got loud and ugly. I lowly chuckled and opened the door to his room and saw Melo sleeping not on his bed but on the floor with his controller next to him. I wanted to die of laughter but I took out my phone and took a picture then tagged his brothers and himself. "Melo...Melo
Wake up I brought food" I shook him "what kind?" He said with his eyes shut "McDonald's now come on" I got up from the floor and set the bag on little desk he had. I started to take out the food from the bag and Felt his arms on my waist he spun me around and pecked my lips "thanks for coming mamas" he said looking down at me "of course baby" I smiled at him than got out his grip to give him his food. We lay on his bed and ate while watching a movie, after we finished we both cleaned up and laid back on the bed to finish the movie after a couple of minutes Melo had gotten on his phone and I gotten up to plug my charger into the outlet so I can my phone but I soon got tackled onto the bed making me bounce up a little "melo what the hell" I chuckled "so you think it's ight to post this shit and tag my brothers" he showed me his phone screen for me to see the picture I took when he was asleep.

 We lay on his bed and ate while watching a movie, after we finished we both cleaned up and laid back on the bed to finish the movie after a couple of minutes Melo had gotten on his phone and I gotten up to plug my charger into the outlet so I can...

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"Yea it's funny" I laughed "oh you getting it girl" he puts his body on me and moving my arms to the side "Melo hahaha Stopppp pleaseee" I cried out of laughter but he still continued "pleaassee" "only if you say sorry and give me a kiss" melo laughed and stops tickling me "I'm sorry baby" and peck his lips "girl do yo wanna ass wanna be tickled" he raised his brows "no no sorry" and I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately than I pulled away "Thas more like it mamas" he smiled.

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