Crazy in Love💫

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"Melo is in back with his female friends" Gelo said stepping aside so I can walk in the house,  "Kayla, Nessa and desire?" I asked and he nodded "imma be in my room if y'all need sum ight" he said and walked up stairs. I was now standing alone in the ball house, I started to head to the back but as I walked I heard loud laughter and saw that the sliding glass door was half open, I stopped walking because I heard one of Melo's "Friends" say my name. I don't have a problem with Melo having girls as friends but I always felt that they never liked me. "Yea Melo you can do a lot better... I mean y/n isn't pretty and I'm starting to notice she's gaining a lot of weight lately" I believe desire said to him "I know..ball how can you love that, lowkey you can have any body why her?" I felt my eyes water especially since Melo stood quiet when they asked him. I guess I got lost in thought because a couple seconds later Melo walked in "Y/n?....when did you get here?" He asked me and his female friends were behind him "got here when they started talking shit... and you didn't stand up for me" I said making Melo roll his eyes. Aw hell nah I'm gone for that, I started to walk away but he grabbed me and turned me around "let me go" I said "no you just got here" he replied "Melo just let her go" I believe Desire said "Yeah Melo just let me go.. like they said why you with me?" I said my voice sounded like I was gonna break and I already had water eyes. "No okay I love you." He said sternly "I'm with you because your so easy to fall in love with, everything about you is so incredible. You got a dope ass soul and a heart thas made out of gold, your my favorite person and I'm so crazy in love with you. Life wouldn't be the same if you hadn't walked into my life..I didn't say anything out there because they ain't worth my time.. I shouldn't have to be explaining to them, why I'm with you das between us mamas." At this point the girls had their mouth open and I had tears in my eyes but not cuz I was hurt but because of his words... I felt happy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, he gripped my waist bringing out bodies closer "I love you" I mumbled "I love you too" he replied.

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