Get in 🤤 p2

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Nobody :


Me : 🤰

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Me : 🤰

Meanwhile *

"What The Fuck is Going On?!" My brother Mike yelled. "Mike it's not what you think bro" Melo quickly said "Bro for reals fuck you guys I'm out" Mike said walking out, we got a the pool and ran after him but stopped in our tracks to see him knocked out on the floor asleep. "Um...I guess he's baked" Melo giggled "yeah....we shouldn't have let that went further I'm sorry Melo" I said looking down at my feet "Nah the fuck I wanted it to go further...I had feelings for you for a while now but mike always said you was off limits so I never pushed it you know" he grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss "let's go to my room?" "Ight mamas bet, jus help me carry your brother to the living room with the others" he smiled. "Fuck he's heavy" "I know just drop him here" I said and with that we placed my brother down on the floor while his other friends were also passed out in the living scattered. I giggled to myself seeing them all "now let's go princess" Melo picked me up bride style and carried me up stairs. I gave me kisses on his neck as he headed to my room. He opened my door and walked over to my bed placing me down than going back and locking the door. Melo walked towards the bed crawling on top of me "dam who knew we would get this far" I said giggling as he glanced at my lips "I mean I was still gonna ask you out on the down low" he chuckled. I grabbed his neck pulling him down smashing our lips together. He gripped my waist and started to grind on me making me moan into our kiss "are you sure you wanna keep going?" He said in a unsteady breath. "Yes" I said and we gazed at each other for a moment before he took his shirt off than helping me take off mine. He kissed my lips than left a line down to my jaw than neck, he started to kiss my chest and massage my breast making me lightly moan. "Dam" he mumbled.

And yk how the night went on ... also cuz I couldn't find a right ending lmao and I'm stressed.

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