12:00pm 🌙🌌

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"Melo babe it's midnight let me sleep" I mumbled as I was half awake "baby but I can't sleeepp" melo whimpered "ugh...why not" I groaned. "Because I'm horny." He said whining. "Fine dummy" I rolled my eyes,
I climbed onto Melo and locked eyes with him, I slowly let myself down onto him as he entered me. We both let out a moan, Melo buries his head onto my neck and release a deep groan. I start to bounce on him and grip tightly onto his bicep "fuck!" I moaned as I slowly bounced on his length, I we both let small moans escape our lips. "Fuck mamas..that's so good" as he tightens his hold onto my hips. He guides me and helps me apply pressure in all right places "you riding my dick huh mami" melo said into my ear "yess papi" I reply barely being able moan because of the overwhelming combination of pleasure I'm receiving. I felt my self close to my edge and Melo knew, I let myself release onto him and soon felt him release warm liquid into me. We both let out moans and I got off of him out we were both out of breath. "Fuck that was the best mamas".

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