I messed up 😔

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I had went over Melo's house because Zo had texted me he wanted to talk to me, I was gonna knock but the door was unlocked so I let myself in but everything was silent. I was confused but soon heard talking from down the hall in Melo's room and figured Zo was in there too I quietly walked over and put my ear to the door to hear what they was talking about. "So you gonna leave her?" I heard Zo asked Melo "Man...I got too" Melo replied back to him making me question everything about us. "You loved her?" Zo asked him and I didn't hear Melo say anything I assume he nodded his head because Zo than said "then why you gonna leave y/n?  You really gonna end everything with her?" There was a quick paused before Melo spoke "because..... I hurt her ,you know ? I hurt her all the sometimes and half the time I meant too like when she caught me and Ashley sleeping with each other twice already... and I hated myself for it but I felt like I couldn't stop... I loved when she stared at me with her big brown eyes sparkling from the tears.. like she's so in love with me that I take advantage of her. And I'm toxic for her." After Melo ending his sentence I felt tears coming down my cheeks not because he cheated but because he meant to hurt me. "You gonna Lose a good girl" Zo told him and I wiped my tears off my cheeks and opened the door to see Melo and Zo and the one and only Ashley sitting next to Melo and rubbing his shoulders. Melo's eyes widen as he saw me "it's ok Really.. I was planning to leave you already too" I softly smiled at him making his eyebrows furrowed "w-what you mean leave me?" Melo stood up, I wasn't planning to leave him cuz I loved him but I also didn't wanna be standing there like a dumbass "yeah.. after you cheated on me and kept hurting me, I wasn't gonna stick around for all that" I looked down Melo was about to speak before Zo stood up "Come y/n let's go" and Zo walked with me out Melo's house.

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