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"I'm their hidden secret."


And that's where everything started to get better.

I was taught on how to be a seductress, if I might say so myself I am fucking amazing at it.

I was trained in self-defence and how to handle weapons. I was given a house, a car everything I could need and want. All I needed to do was murder some bad guys.
Easy work.
Easy money.

Nobody knew who I was, I hid my identity after my father left and I started a new life working with the FBI, even though I'm not actually certified to work for the FBI nor am I even on the database.

I'm their hidden secret.

Phoenix, was what they called me.

I worked with them for 2 years and became really close to Jason, he was like the older brother I didn't have. Unlike me he never worked out in the field he was more of the behind the scenes kinda guy, however he was very skilled with knifes.

Ava however hated my guts and only saw me as a criminal who didn't deserve a second chance.
But I don't care what she says anyway she has never had to work a day in her life and was handed everything on a golden plate.

She is basically in charge of the boss' meetings and sucking his dick.

I don't really speak to any one else, but others speak about me. Physically I'm kept on the down low, my name, appearance. But the rumours are worldwide, from my mass murders to my brutal torture techniques.

I can't say I don't like people talking about me as that would be a blatant fucking lie.

It's something about the fear that glistens in their eyes when Phoenix is mentioned, the way grown ass men sweat and become uncomfortable as they are well aware I could end their entire bloodline.

It brings me joy...


I woke up with the sunlight streaming through my blinds and the scent of bacon reaching my room. I got up and headed to the kitchen where Jason was making breakfast.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"birthday breakfast!" He said as he span round.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks" was all I mumbled.

It may seem as though I'm ungrateful but I feel guilty celebrating on my mother's death day.

"Cmon you do this every year" Jason brows furrowed.

"do what?" I questioned stabbing at my food.

"Go round speeding and drinking on your own just trying to get into trouble, you stab anyone who says happy birthday to you. Do you not remember why you are banned from London" Jason said sitting down next to me.

"Well I didn't stab you, oh London was fun!" I beamed.

"London was a nightmare!" Jason muttered as he ran his hands through his hair. I smiled tucking into my breakfast.

"Ooh we have to leave in 2 hours bossman has extremely important news or something." Jason said wrapping up his breakfast.

"Yeah will do" I sighed.

We laughed and talked through breakfast and put the dishes into the dishwasher before I headed to my room.

"Happy birthday!" Jason squealed.

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