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"as much grace as a reversing dump truck without any wing mirrors"


"she's the girl" I sighed

"What girl?" Ace asked.

"The one from the bar, the fire." I said as I rubbed the burn marks on my hand.

"The one who ran away?" Ace asked.

"sì, that one" I snapped.

"I got everyone to try and dig up information on her but nothing came up, it's like she never existed." I said stepping back into the house.

"Maybe cause her name isn't Ivy" Ace said.

I grabbed my phone and dialed my men "I need you to research Isabella Genovese. Asap!" I barked down the phone

"Bro calm down" Ace sighed.

"She has the same second name as the leader of the Spanish mob" Ace said sitting down on the couch.

"Exactly so she must be related to them surely to god." I said watching out the kitchen window as she was in her back garden with her dog.

"What does she work as?" I asked Ace.

"Owns the gym in town centre"
Just then my phone went off.

"sì?" I answered.

"Boss we tried getting into her files and nothing was there, it's like she doesn't exist"

"Do you think she's Rodriguez mysterious daughter?" I asked Ace

"The one who's in the fbi?" Ace sniggered.

"she doesn't know about the Mafia and Rodriguez can't exactly tell her as he thinks the FBI are trying to get her to lure him in" I explained.

"Shit" my brother breathed out.


"if you don't listen, I will take your ass to jail!"

"Get off my property!"

I heard yelling coming from outside and I watched out the kitchen window as Ivy or known as Isabella grabbed the black haired older woman and dragged her down the steps.

"You bitch!" The black haired woman yelled.

Isabella grabbed her gun and pointed it at the girls head.
That escalated quickly.

"I can easily kill you. I am a criminal and a murderer after all." She said those words with such hatred and disgust.

The woman scrambled to her feet and left, leaving Isabella sitting on her front porch running her hands through her hair and over her face.

I grabbed my shoes and walked outside. I walked across the garden until I reached her porch.

"Ivy" I said as she stared into the night-time sky.

"Matteo" she whispered to herself but loud enough for me to hear it.

"So this is where you have been hiding?" I asked as I leaned against the porch.

"Do I know you?" She asked not bothering to look at me.

"Ivy unless you've had amnesia then I'm sure you remember" I said looking at her.

"Lad you have the wrong person, I don't know who Ivy is or who you are?" She says still avoiding eye contact.

"Drop the act, I remember you and you remember me" I said sitting next to her.

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