Chapter 23

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After my shower I tried to phone Matteo... -----
No answer, again.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen where I heard Allister shouting.


"Calm down, what's happened?" Ivan asked.

"Are you telling me you didn't see how she walked out off the office? She fucked our new business partner. She's a slut" He replied

A slut I'll show him a slut, I got out of my pajamas and threw on a red bra and thong, I grabbed my white, see through robe and walked into the kitchen.

Everybody went quiet and cleared their throats they just stood there starstruck. I grabbed a pot and started to make spaghetti Bolognese.

soon enough everybody left the kitchen I knew that because I heard Allister stomp away slamming the door shut behind him like a child.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked.

"Cooking?" I laughed.

"Your winding him up" He folded his arms

"He's pissing me off, be lucky I haven't killed him" I gave him a smile.

"I don't know how long he will last without him snapping" Alex warned me.

"Well we will just have to wait and see, not long now I guess" I said serving dinner.

I quickly ran back into my room and got changed and tried calling Matteo... "Bella?"

"Finally" I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I've been so fucking busy" his deep voice was music to my ears.

"I need to tell you something" I started off the conversation.

"Okay hit me" he said.

"Well last night I found out that we are gonna be here for a few more weeks, and well how do I... Well Allister has joined me on his mission. But don't worry I shot him as soon as I saw him and I'm going to make his life hell. Then when this is all over he will be dead." I explained.



"why the fuck is that bitch with you?" He shouted

"You think it was my fucking choice" I complained.

"So surely if it's two off you, you will be home sooner" he sighed.

"Hopefully but don't worry I have plans after plans, I will be home in no time." I said sadly.

"I swear if he does anything  to hurt or annoy you or even look at you I will personally fly over and kill him with my bare hands" Matteo said venom lacing every word he spoke.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be back for Christmas. Anyway how's Hugo? And everyone back home?" I asked


9.26 Am

I dragged myself up and my stomach was grumbling like hell, I was on the phone all night to Matteo and never went and got dinner.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some tea and toast and took it back to my room, I grabbed my laptop and plugged in the flash drive downloading all the files.

All I need to do is find out where they are hiding, hack into all their account's, cameras, I need a list off all their members and where they are located and get rid off them ALL.

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