Chapter 18

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The inside of the car seemed colder than the outside but it didn't effect Matteo.

I chattered my teeth pulling my arms through the sleeves of his jacket.

"Come here" Matteo instructed.

I moved across the seat until his arms wrapped around my shoulders and I snuggled into his warm chest.

I felt my eyes become heavy and I slowly drifted into darkness.


Matteo's pov:

I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered shut and her breathing became heavier.

I looked down at the little ball she curled herself into and her head was rested on my chest.

This girl makes me feel things I have never felt before, she'd gone through what I went through. She had been heartbroken like I have been.
she understands.

Before I knew it the car had stopped outside our houses, I slowly cradled her in my arms bridal style and got out of the car. Which was a lot more difficult as she was wearing a massive ball gown.

I held her close and quickly made it to the door before she could get cold and wake up.

Lucia opened the door and I walked in and carried her straight upstairs to her bed.

"Don't worry I will clean her up, you just get yourself sorted" Lucia told me and I left and went round to Ace's house but everyone was sleeping.


I had been two hours since we got back and I can't sleep, I need to make sure that Bella is okay.

Lucia phoned 30 minutes ago to tell me that Bella was all cleaned up and still asleep and Lucia had gone home.

Fuck this.

I grabbed my shoes and jacket and walked over to hers.

I walked all the way up to her room, and there she was. In a little ball, you could see all her bruises and scars and it pained my heart.

I walked over to her and kissed her forehead making sure not to touch the bandage above her eyebrow.

I pulled the duvet over her and watched as she stirred in her sleep, god I sound like a creep just watching her. But she's just so quiet and angelic.

I walk over to the window seat and stared out into the little street, I traced my finger over the burn marks over my hand. To think I could have lost her there and then.

I don't believe in the universe giving signs but surely to fuck us meeting again has to mean something. right?

My thought process was interrupted when arms went round my shoulders.

"whatcha thinking bout?" she asked.

"Everything" I said and she nudged me forward and sat behind me and placed my head on her lap.

"do you believe in love?" she whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"your still drunk aren't you" I chuckled.

"possibly, but seriously do you?" She asked again.

"If I'm honest. I do believe in love I just haven't yet experienced it" I answered truthfully.

She went quiet and stared out the window.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I don't know how I feel about you" she said.

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