Chapter 21

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It's been a week since Matteo got out of hospital and Allister hasn't showed face since, I think my father might be keeping him away from me.

Matteo was through in the conservatory shouting down the phone in Italian, and he may be angry but it was hot as fuck.

Stop! I told myself getting rid off the thoughts, just focus on making dinner.

Soon hands made their way round my waist and lips where on my neck.

"I'm cooking" I laugh.

"And I'm watching" he whispers in my ear.

I stop chopping the vegetables, turn around and curled my arms around his neck. Our lips made way to eachothers and soon enough shit escalated.


"So much for doing this once" I laughed.

"We both knew that we wouldn't stick to that" he pulled my closer to him.

"so what do we do from here?" I asked.

"Honestly I don't know" He shrugged.

"There is obviously something between us, right?" I asked.

"I knew you felt it too" he smiled.

"We have loads of time, let's not rush into anything" I said.

"I think that's a great idea" he kissed me.


"That's your phone" Matteo murmured.

"I thought you went home?" I said sleepily

"I was lonely" he cuddled closer.


"Answer that goddam phone" he complained.

"But it's over there" I whined.

I let it rang and soon enough it rang again, I hauled myself out of bed and answered the phone.

"Whatever, I'll be there" I said to Gary who was on the other side of the phone.

"work?" Matteo asked

"I've too go to Connors office" I sighed.

"But it's a Wednesday, I thought meetings where Mondays" he rolled over facing me.

"They are but this is an 'emergency meeting'" I laughed at started to get ready.


I got to the offices and walked through the halls, god I really can't wait to leave this place and never come back here.

i walked into the meeting room, late as usual and sat in my normal seat and swung my feet onto the table with Hugo on my lap.

"Do you really have to take that thing everywhere" Gary said

"Yes I do need to take Hugo everywhere" I reply.

"Anyway... "Connor started.

"Since we couldn't locate Barteks son, we will need to send someone to Russia. It's only for a few months, you need to gather information on them and use that against them" Gary said.

"Pheonix, pack your bags you leave in 2 days. We will give you a month and you will update us, then we will decide how long you stay out there for" Connor said smugly.

"What no, I'm banned in Russia. Plus the whole russian mafia and probably the whole god damn country know who I am." I argued.

"Fake id, over there you will be Miss Avangline Cromwell. An American journalist who is studying in Russia." The handed me a new id.

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