Chapter 26

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12th February.
2 days until the wedding.

My father hasn't been in touch since I've gotten back, but I have been informed that he is still indeed alive he's just busy in Spain.

And tonight Matteo and I have a mission, our last mission, well I knew that it was our last mission. They don't know that I'm leaving, I'm not packing anything as I'm leaving everything behind.

"Isabella you ready?" Alissa shouts from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shout wrapping a trench coat round my half naked body. I curled my black hair letting it down, I had on very small chrome tassled body suit which left nothing to the imagination and to complete the outfit a little chrome sailor hat.

 I curled my black hair letting it down, I had on very small chrome tassled body suit which left nothing to the imagination and to complete the outfit a little chrome sailor hat

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Tonights mission is at the strip club downtime, we need to locate Chris Callahan a sex trafficker from New York who's trying to move his business down here.

"jesus Christ" I heard Matteo say as I walked into the living room.

"Let's get this over with" I said walking outside, with my shoes in hand as my feet are going to kill after this, these heels are fucking massive.

I got into the car whilst Ace spoke to Matteo.

"Baby!" We heard a squeal.

"Oh here we fucking go" I spoke to myself as I saw Paris run across the grass towards us.

"What the fuck matty! You where gonna leave without saying bye to your fiancée! It's dangerous out there" she squeals getting closer.

"Matty!" I start crying with laughter, as Matteo panicks and tries to open the door I give him a cheesy smile whilst holding up the keys.

"It's locked" I shout.

"I swear to fuck!" He shouts still pulling at the door handle.

"Bella please! She's getting fucking closer!" He says looking over the car at Paris whose heels had sunken into the wet grass.


"I'll get you chicken nuggets And wine for the love of fuck, just open this goddam door" he reasons with me.

I got moved over to the driver's seat.
"Don't leave!" He runs over to the passenger side and gets as Paris walks onto the drive.

"Drive!" He shouts.

"For the love of God DRIVE!" He pleaded as he stared at me a massive smirk stuck on my face.

"MATTY!" Paris yelled as she got near the back of the car. I floored it and swung the rear of the car, hitting her gently in the stomach making her fall on her ass as I sped out of the street.

"You little shit" Matteo said as he smirked.

The club was only 30 minutes way from our houses. But the entire ride was silent, just awkward looks exchanged between us.

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