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"Sweet dreams"


5pm I landed back home and was greeted by an SUV waiting on me.

"Pheonix?" Someone called out my name as I climbed down the planes stairs.

"Gary" I exclaimed as he was standing at the bottom helping me with my luggage.

"Great to see you again" he said

"Long time huh. Where's Jason?" I asked looking around

"Oh you don't know, he moved to London about a month ago. We can't communicate with him as he's undercover" Gary said putting my stuff into the car.

"Is he coming back?" I asked gutted.

"Not likely, but he has left you some stuff in a storage unit." He said handing me keys.

"cheers" I said taking the keys.

"what's the important plan then?" He asked

"Basically I want to get my life into check and rely on myself, the money I've earned from the 5 years I've not been at the club should be enough to get myself a house, and then I can do some jobs like normal." I explained.

"Okay well we have booked you a hotel anyway to stay for the next few days, and it's no refund so just accept it." He said

"Okay, just email the information and I'll be on my way" I said.

We finished packing everything into one of the cars, not that there was a lot.

We headed our separate ways and my driver took me to the storage unit.



I opened the unit and there sat my baby.

My face lit up as I stroked my fingers over the car

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My face lit up as I stroked my fingers over the car. Not one scratch or mark.

I can't believe he kept the car, after I got sent to jail they sold everything! Or so I was told.

There was a few boxes stacked up behind my car all labeled.

I read each one out loud as my fingers skimmed over them.
"Medical records"
"Capri suns" I laughed, Capri suns was our code name for alcohol.
"MUST OPEN!" was the bottom box I moved the other boxes into the car and opened the box.

It contained the keys for my car, bank cards and information about the gym aswell as some weapons.

I made sure that I emptied the contents of the unit and put everything into the suv.


I sat down on the hotel bed and grabbed opened my suitcase.
In the storage unit was my old MacBook, I brought that into the hotel and immediately started looking for houses.

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