Chapter 27

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We both got into the car as a barriage of bullets came our way I ducked down in my seat and Matteo just chuckled.

"Bulletproof" he smirked as he floored it and we sped out of the property.

"Why is there so many of them?" I asked as we where being followed by men in black SUV's.

"looks like we have pissed off some people from New York" Matteo muttered.

"New York?" I laughed.

"Back there is a duffel bag full of guns and shit" he said as I climbed over the seats.

"Nice ass" he chuckled.

"Suck my dick" I shouted.

I grabbed the duffel bag looking through it.
"4 assault rifles, 9 knives, 3 shotguns and a handgun" he listed everything in the bag without even looking.

I rolled down the window and stuck my torso out and started shooting the cars behind us.

"That's one out" I said reloading.

"Might want to hold onto something Bella. Shit might get a little bit bumpy" he said as he pulled the handbrake, twisting the wheel with the other hand. The car jerked to the side and we drifted straight through the Americans.

"Don't get cocky" I warned him

"Me cocky?" He chuckled as he spun the car round doing donuts around all the other cars.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled holding on.

"Just wait" he squeezed my thigh and smirked.

He straightened out the car and drove straight through the crowd, he turned left sharply down a thin alleyway, before cutting back onto the main road.

Two more blacked out cars made there way to the driver's side, I quickly straddled Matteo and rolled his window down and shot the cars tires, it started weaving around before it eventually flipped over crashing into another 2 cars.

"If you wanted to ride me you could have just asked" he winked.

"Nice try, you had your chance. Plus your fiancée wouldn't be happy if she heard you" I chuckled whilst going back into my seat as he gripped the steading wheel and his fists went white.

"Put the roof down" I demanded.

"That's not the best idea" he shook his head.

"Put the fucking roof down!" I shout.

I stood up on the center pulling my body out of the roof, aiming my gun at the drivers, taking one by one out.

I felt Matteo wrap his hand around my bare thigh as his fingers slowly trace circles up my leg. A shiver ran down my spine just from his touch.

"Matteo now is not the time!" I say reloading.

"Actually now is never the time, that ship has came and gone" I stand back up.

"Yea we certainly came" he chuckled.

I was speechless this prick, this sexy prick.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We are in a fucking car chase about to possibly get killed, and all you can think about is us fucking?" I yelled as I shot another car which took out two cars behind it.

"Bella I'm always thinking about us" his grip tightened as he pulled me down onto his lap just as we entered a tunnel. Once again I was straddling him, my hands gripped onto his chest for support.

"There is no us" I hissed back
"And that's your fault not mine" I said as his hold tightened.

"Isabella listen" he started to speak.

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