Chapter 29

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I woke up shivering in Matteo's arms, the fire had went out during the night and since it was the middle of February it was still bloody freezing.

I got out from Matteo's tight grip and wrapped a bed sheet around myself, I grabbed my panties and Matteo's now dry shirt and put them on before getting back next to Matteo.


Matteo's pov:

We made love countless times throughout the night and soon enough we fell asleep in eachothers embrace.

I woke up to something shaking me and I shot awake pulling Bella behind me and pointing my knife at the intruder.

"Ace?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Put some pants on for fuck sake" he threw me some clean clothes and turned around.

"how did you find us?" I asked putting on the clean clothes.

"We saw where the car crashed and took a boat under the bridge and found Isabella's heals on the rocks and ended up here" He admitted

"We?" I asked as he turned back around.

"Oh yea Alissa is outside in the boat" he said.

"right well let's get going" I said leaving my old clothes.

I look over at Bella who was still fast alseep but had put on my shirt.

"Here's clothes for Isabella" Ace said handing my another pile of clothes.

"Bella?" I said moving her hair out of her face.

"Bella?" I said shaking her gently.

"she's the deepest sleeper I have ever met" Ace laughed.

"Tell me about it, have you heard how loud she has to have her alarm and she still doesn't wake up from it" I laughed as I took the jogger bottoms from the pile of clothes and put them on Isabella, before carrying her bridal style out of the house.

"Oh my god, is she okay" Allisa said worried rushing towards us.

"it's okay she's just alseep" I laugh as we got into the boat.

We got onto the boat and I kept Bella on my lap and grabbed a blanket and kept it over her. I stroked her cheek, moving the hair out of her face as we made our way back to home.

I carried her off the boat and into the car still keeping her on my lap asleep.

Then carried her upstairs and tucked her into her bed, as I cooked some breakfast for us. I also told Alissa to tell Paris that I was at my office downtown so she wouldn't keep calling me and annoying everyone.

"I see she doesn't hate you anymore?" Ace asked as he handed Carson his toast.

"Don't make a mess on our couch, come sit at the table" I said ignoring Ace's questions and talking to Carson.

"Did you guys talk it out?" Ace asked.

"Sì, we are on good terms again" I answered truthfully.

"so that's all you did was talk it out?" Alissa asked drinking her tea.

"No, We fucked it out" Bella shouted as she swung round the dining room door.

"seriously?" I laughed drinking my tea.

Isabella's pov:

After I woke up I took a quick shower and headed downstairs where everyone was sitting enjoying their lunch.

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