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"He was my home"

5 years later.

"Damn you can go back home at the end of this month." Jaime's voiced came from the living room.

It had been three years since I came out of jail.

Jason and I instantly clicked and we became friends immediately, surprisingly we never tried to sleep with one another.

"We have come so far" Jaime added as he came and sat next to me.

Whilst I was in jail Jaime lost his mother to a shooting and couldn't keep up with the rent on his own so he sold the contents of the house and lived in his car until he had enough money to buy a little house. Big enough for myself and him to live in.

I never spoke to Jason or Gary since the court hearing, I was given a phone with one call and I was to phone it when it was my time to come home.

I now work at the café down the road and Jaime works at the car garage across town. Nothing exciting but it pays the bills.

"I can't believe you agreed to come back to England with me" I said as I grabbed the remote out of his hand.

"well, I'm not gonna let you go by yourself. Plus I ain't got nothing left to do here anymore. I need a change of scenery" He admitted.

"We leave on Christmas Eve!" I said jumping around our little living room.

"Oh I also got us a week's worth of food shopping today" I said opening our fully packed fridge.

"How?" He asked starstruck.
I simply held up the wallet I pickpocketed from someone.

Yeah jail only taught me that if you're gonna commit a crime, just don't get caught.
It's what some people have to do to survive.

After we broke into my father's house we sold most of his stuff like paintings and expensive plates and we stole all his liquor for ourselves.

"Let's go out to celebrate Saturday night?" Jason asked.

"To our favourite bar?" I ran over and sat next to him

"Obviously where else would we go?" He nudged me

"Deal, only if you pick me up tomorrow after work." I held out my hand

"M'lady you have yourself a deal" he shook my hand using a fake English accent.

"Nice accent cock sucker" I said as I got up from the couch.

"Why thank you!" He replies still using an English accent.

"fucking hell I'm going to bed" I said before skipping through the halls to my room

"Love you too Ivy!" He shouts through to me.


I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm.
I hit it a few times before knocking it onto the floor, which soon shut it up.

I threw on some black ripped jeans, my blouse and some suede black booties. I grabbed my keys and my leather jacket.

"I'm going, your lunch is in the fridge!" I shouted to Jaime and with that I turned on my heel and headed to work.

It takes me thirty minutes to get to work every morning but I don't mind.

"Morning Ivy!" Sam called from behind the till.

"Morning Sam!" I called back as I signed into my shift.

I grabbed my apron and a cloth and started to clean the tables.
Just as always Janet comes in at 7:45 and orders tea with a blueberry muffin.

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