Chapter 24

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After we successfully managed to get rid of all the little hideouts we were onto the last main one. The only thing stopping us from going home and I had a special plan up my sleeve.

"get this fucking music off" Allister complained for the 4th time, yet again I ignored him.


This motherfucker really tried to pull a gun on me.
"Shoot me, it would do me a favour" I laughed keeping my eyes on the road.

The barrel of the gun was pressed to the side of my head for about 5 minutes before he put it back into his pocket and sat quietly. Hah thought so bitch

We pulled up outside this heavily armed mansion, all we need to do was place the explosives inside and blow this place up.
The mansion contained the most important gang members aswell as family members and nobody not even children should be spared.

"Ready?" I asked

"Sì" he pretended to be Spanish

"Prick" I scoffed before running off towards the gates of the mansion.

"Help help!" I screamed getting the guards attention.

"Please help" I cried out.

"Miss please leave our property" the man stated coldly.

"A man.. he grabbed me. And and dragged me into his car he's trying to take me away. Please help! I don't know where I am" I said holding onto the gaurds arms trying to find the gates keys.

"Where is this man?"

"I don't know back there, I jumped out off the car and ran straight through the woods and he's coming for me!" I sobbed.

"Just one moment" the bald man said as the brown haired man stared at me intensely, I gave out a sniff and a sigh gathering my breathe.

"Miss we will track down this man and get you a car to take you home"

"Thank you so much, how could I ever repay you?" I hugged him pickpocketing the keys.

I pressed the keys and the gates opened allowing Allister to enter, I need to be quicker then him and get to the children before he does.

"That's the car coming now I guess" the oblivious men said.

"Thank you so much" I looked up at them.

"You look very familiar" the other man stated

"Do I?" I asked

"Yea I've seen you somewhere" he stared at me.

"I've got a pretty generic face" I lied.

"No no, you've been somewhere. Somewhere big" he continued to look me up and down.

"I ain't got time for this!" I stated and grabbed my knife slicing there necks open and they dropped to the floor.

I ran inside the building placing the first explosive on the front door, I run upstairs straight but as usual Allister can't do anything without being caught.

He had already killed 3 people and had gotten stabbed himself, all he had to do was sneak in and place shit down easy.

"Incompetent fuck" I murmur running upstairs.

Alarms where going off and people where shooting and screaming, I barged into the children's room.

"Put that gun down!"I shout at the maid.

"I'm not here to hurt you, however the man through the other room is. There is an all blacked out car out front take the kids get in and the driver will take you to safety" I told them

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