Chapter 15

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"Are you ready yet?" Matteo shouted up the stairs.

"Ready for what?" I yelled back rushing around looking for my phone.

"Are you serious?!" I heard him start to storm up the stairs.

"Kidding kidding, I'm ready" I ran across the landing with one shoe in my hand the other nowhere to be seen.

"Hurry up, you are going to be late" he checked his watch as I ran past him and into the bathroom.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. I Just gotta pee, brush my teeth, find a jacket, and my other shoe" I made a mental list of the things I needed to do.

"so you aren't ready then, are you?" He chuckled from outside the bathroom door.

Ignoring him trying to rush me I eventually sauntered down the stairs putting on my trainers.

"Fucking finally, Stephan is waiting in the kitchen for you" Matteo ushered me through.

"When am I ever on time, if you choose to believe me when I say I'll be ready on time that's your problem for ever believing that" I chuckled putting on my other shoe hopping into the kitchen.

"Still not good at time keeping I see" Spencer the guy who works for Connor stood in the kitchen.

"Spencer?" I asked shocked.

"You two know eachother?" Ace asked from the fridge.

"We work together" I looked around shocked.

"Yeah we do tend to have our men working undercover all over the place, Stephan being one" Matteo quickly explained.

"anyway enough chit chat, we need to go now, you know what Wayne is like" Stephan interupted grabbing his jacket.

"The rock?" I asked grabbing a bottle of water.

"Wayne not fucking Dwayne now go!" We where practically ushered out of the front door.

"can't believe you work with Matteo" I said as we got into the car.

"why else do you think I still work with that fat fuck you call Connor" he grunted as he reversed out of the drive.

"money?" I scoffed.


After a 10 minute drive we parked in a busy multi-story carpark, we took the elevator down to the bottom floor and I followed Stephan through a series of rusty doors until we reached the end of an Alloway and walked into the backdoor of a shop.

"Took your sweet time" we where greeted by the strong smell of liquor and weed.

"Wayne, Isabella. Isabella, Wayne" Stephan introduced us.

"Heard a lot about you, but would have assumed your time keeping skills where up to date" he shook my hand before walking around his desk.

"We are here now aren't we, doesn't look like you're gonna be busy anyway" I screwed my face up as I looked around.

"Fiesty I now know why Matteo likes you" he winked as he led us through the back.

I took off my hoodie and was left in my black bikini top, I sat down and noticed Stephan walking back into the room with a blunt in his hand.

"Don't be fogging up his vision, and fucking up my tattoo" I snarled.

"I know what I'm doing" Wayne smirked taking a draw.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Why you whining, you have hundreds of tattoos" Stephan laughed blowing smoke into my face.

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