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"I don't know what to feel anymore"


"you've got to be fucking kidding me!" I yell my hands curled up into fists.

By now I was standing up throwing my hands in the air, not 100% sure on what I was trying to achieve.

"calmati" Matteo said holding my wrist.
(calm down)

"Calm down! This fucker has took everything away from me and yet continues to blackmail me. So I suggest you just keep your mouth shut Matteo. I don't need your irrelevant..." I didn't even get to finish my rant before I was dragged out of the room.

"fermare! Look at me " he said as I leaned against the wall as his body towered over me.

I didn't look up and he held my chin and lifted it up so I was looking at him.

His hands where big and rough yet his touch was soft and gentle.

"Getting all worked up isn't gonna solve anything, is it bella." He whispered making me shiver, he knew what he was doing as he was smirking like an ass, a sexy ass.

"You don't understand!" I snarled, turning my head away from him.

"I can try" he said leaning his back against the wall next to me.

"What?" I asked as he stared at me.

"I'm waiting for you to explain" he stated.

"Explain what?" I asked walking away.

"You keep everything to yourself! God would it hurt if just once you told someone how you feel?" He shouted from behind me.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"That's the thing, I don't know what to feel anymore." I said before walking past him.

He grabbed my waist making me make a mmph noise.
He wrapped his arms around me before crashing his lip against mine.

Our lips move in perfect sync and it feels right to kiss him, he bit my lip asking for access and for some fucking stupid reason I let him.

His lips caused a spark of electricity through my body, and very quickly his manly scent took over my senses and I gave in.

The kiss was frantic as our tongues fought for dominance.
I ran my hand through his hair as his hands held my face.

We pulled apart, our breathing rugged and he just smirked at me.

I finally composed myself.
"Don't do that, I will fuck your face up. coglione" I said before barging past him, subconsciously touching my lips.

"I would rather just fuck your..." he started speaking

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I said turning round to stare at him.

"Face" he breathed out and I stuck my middle finger up to him as I walked away.


After we all had a chat about what the fuck we where going to do next, we agreed that I would get the mafias tattoo tomorrow.

I would also stay low for this week then resurface and go back to working in the office and doing jobs for Connor, aswell as finding out information and reporting back to my father.

Then when the time is right we we leave and I will run away with the Mafia and be safe with them.

Finally I can live a semi normal life...ish.

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