Chapter 31, 𝒯ℋℰ ℰ𝒩𝒟

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Isabella's pov:

"No I'm not leaving you Bella, Ace you have a family to look after, they need you now go" Matteo said holding onto my hand

"Fine but you guys will walk out here alive aswell" Ace states getting ready to run.

"3 now!" Matteo and I counted down in unison.

Matteo and I blocked the path so Ace can get back to the elevator unharmed, we pulled our guns out and aimed them at the men.

It was pointless though we where outnumbered, they had a massive advantage.

"Well done I guess, you two put up a great fight. Lasted longer then we all thought" Allister's voice boomed through the silent room as he stood in the centre of his men, clapping his hands as he looked down smiling at us.

"I don't understand why you need to kill me?" I asked, he knew he had won and we knew we had lost.

"Because you fuck shit up all the time, a liability if you will" he scoffed holding onto the railing.

"Son you could just..." My father spoke up.

"Shut up old man! You killed my fucking mother and now I'm going to kill you" he clocked the gun and pointed it at his temple.


"papá" I whispered and Matteo gave my arm a little reassuring squeeze stopping me from running over to him.

"Oh is daddy dead?" He chuckled.

"Right, now I'm bored. Say your goodbyes" he said reloading his gun and everyone else does the same.

"Matteo you could've just left" I whisper as he pulls me tight to his chest.

"Never" he said kissing my head.

"Remember when you asked me if I regret anything and I said no you should never regret anything. Well I do regret something and that something is us not admitting our feelings sooner and growing into something more and now it's to late. And what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry" I speak my voice cracking as tears filled into both of our eyes.

"I love you Bella, I fucking love you I always have, I fell hard the first day we ever met" he said grabbing my face.

"I love you too Matteo" I said as I wrapped my arms around Matteo's neck while his arms around my waist. Our lips smashed together as he pulled me close into his chest. We held eachother as tight as possible as our kiss and tears mixed.

"Should we try make a run for it?" I laughed.

"Fuck it" we held hands and tried to make a run for it.

"Fire!" Allister commanded. Suddenly the air was filled yet again with gunshots and explosions. A bomb had flew through the window and straight where the armed men where.

Matteo and I both gasped in pain as bullets pierced through our bodies, Matteo grabbed me and we held onto eachother tightly as our bodies hit the floor.

I was laying on Matteo's stomach, my body turning numb from the bullets that pierced my skin. I turned my head to the side to see the wreckage off the bomb and bullets.

I saw Allister trying to make a run for it and I used all the will power and energy I had left and pulled out Matteo's gun and shot Allister between the eyes, before collapsing back onto Matteo's chest.

"Nice shot Bella" he mumbled coughing up blood.

Blood covered our body and faces, I moved off his chest and moved next to him so I was facing him.

"It was always you Bella" he whispered as he took of his ring, and the engraving read 'Ti amo Bella'

"Look at the back of your necklace" he said.

My necklace he gave me was also engraved with Ti amo.

"Italian for I love you" I whispered as tears simultaneously ran down our faces.

"We had a good attempt didn't we?" He breathed out.

"Yea, We fucking did" I spoke my voice shaking.

He brought his lips down to mine slowly, and gently kissed my lips. Tears streaming down both of our faces as we kissed each other gently. I felt his head fall back, and his arms go limp around me, his arm that was holding me fell weakly to the floor as I felt his breathing slow down.

"Forever and always" he whispered before his eyes shut.

"Forever and always" I sobbed as I felt my own body giving out, and my vision started to fade white, until I couldn't hear or see anything around me anymore.

I've always been told that when you die you life flashes before your eyes, but I never saw my mother nor my father. I didn't see any of my birthdays or Christmases.

I saw him. And only him.

All the times we shared together, all the memories. The good. The bad. And everything in-between.

All our memories, from the first time we met.

"What's your name anyway Mr fancy pants?" I asked.

"Matteo" the mysterious man replied.

To our very last breathe.

"Forever and always" he whispered before his eyes shut.

"Forever and always" I sobbed as I felt my own body giving out.


The whiteness disappeared and there I was standing in our street in-between both of our houses.

I saw Matteo standing on our front porch, he wasn't dressed in white like I would have thought, instead he wore some black jeans and a white shirt, in his hands was Hugo.

I started sprinting down the street and straight towards them.

"Bella" he said his voice music to my ears.

He wrapped his arms around me before crashing his lips against mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync just like always.

"I love you Matteo I really fucking love you and now it's too late" I sobbed.

"It's never too late Bella" he looked at me with his perfect smile on his face, his eyes shining with happiness as he held my face in his hands.

He swiftly picked me up bridal style and carried me inside our house and Hugo's little feet hitting off the floor was all I heard, before Matteo shut the door and everything went black.


The end

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