Chapter 32 (Ace's pov)

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Ace's pov:

After I got out of the room I rushed down to main floor where my father had called for backup but Allister had managed to block all our calls. We couldn't do anything.

Alissa had placed explosives ready to blow, and we where waiting on the all clear from Matteo.

"Matteo, stand as close to the lift as possible"


"It's discon-"


"Now!" I shouted and the bomb went off.

"Matteo! Isabella!" I screamed through the earpiece.

"Son, calm down they will be okay" my father said as he examined me over for any injuries.

"I've just listened to their fucking goodbyes! They are not okay!" I threw my gun on the floor and paced the car park as our squad finally showed up to finish the job.

"They died from gun shots, the bomb was to late. Don't be hard on yourself their was nothing you could have done. Hundreds of armed men against you guys would have ended up in even more deaths" the police explained as I stood there frozen.

"I am going to kill Paris with my own bare fucking hands" my father scoffed getting into his car and speeding off.

2 weeks later.

We stood there and watched as Isabella and Matteo's coffins got lowered into the ground. I held Alissa as she cried onto my shoulder and my father held Carson.

The coffins where burried together despite the fact that Isabella was meant to be on the other side of the field, next to the rest of the Spanish Mob.

My father tracked down Paris and killed her aswell, leaving no more threads.

My father always knew that Matteo and Isabella loved eachother, he knew it from the start and wanted them to indeed get married and join the Mafia's as one, not for his sake but for theirs.

As Allisa's bump was growing and growing, we where debating running away. But we agreed it would be safer to stay here as we would always have a target on us. Plus we would miss the adrenaline, the car chases, gun fights. We can't work desk jobs forever.

I was the next to inherit the Mafia and my father would sort out some kind of agreement with the Spanish Mob, so I had a big role to step up to and I don't want to disappoint anyone.

"Time for your speech babe" Alissa whispered tugging at my arm.

My father comforted Allisa as I walked up infront of everybody.

"now I'm not good at speeches but I want to thank everyone for coming today, I know for a fact Isabella and Matteo wouldn't want us all to mourn and mope around so let's remember the good times." I started off my speech

"Where do I even begin?
Isabella. Well on the outside Isabella was standoffish and known for getting under people's skin, but when you get to know her she cares about everyone and always loves to have great laugh." I continued.

"Matteo. Matteo to most people was just the usual fuckboy business man, yet he's far from it. As soon as he layed eyes on Isabella he was whipped she became his top priority." I smiled.

"They loved eachother so much, you could see it in their eyes. When they where away from eachother for long time they get grumpy like little toddlers." I chuckled.

"When they first met, Matteo saved Isabella's life and in the morning all what was left was a note, not one single trace. Then she moved next door to me and fate brought them back together. Shits crazy, how is that even possible? That means they where meant to be together and everyone knew it, whether everyone liked it or not." I went on biting back my tears

"They may not have been together for real but they did have their own little family with little Hugo. They referred to eachothers assets as 'our'. 'Don't get that on our couch' or 'did you change the sheets on our bed'." I recalled.

"They may not have realised but they had thousands of little things like that, the one I noticed the most was Matteo called her Bella and anybody who even tried to call her that would have a bullet between their eyes, now I don't know if that's cute or crazy but man they where in love." I said sadly remembering how much they truly loved eachother.

"It's a massive shame that they never got to grow their relationship and have kids, imagine how funny it would be too see them try control mini versions of themselves." The audience laughed a little us all picturing mini versions of Isabella and Matteo.

"What I do know is that they are together in he... Well let's be brutally honest those pair ain't getting into heaven. They are probably doing shots together of off each other's bodies in hell as rude as that may sound." I admitted

"Before I wrap this up I have one last thing to say, I heard their goodbyes through the earpiece and they both kept repeating that they where both devastated that they never pursued their relationship into something more and that they loved eachother so fucking much. It hurt to hear them both, the most strongest people I know, break down as they whispered their last words to eachother." I gulped as tears subconsciously fell down my face.

"So if you are to take anything anything away from this it's to just go for it okay, you can't let your ego or the people around you get in the way. If you want something as stupid as it might be, go fucking get it. I think that's all I have to say apart from rest easy you two" I wiped the tears that silently fell down my cheeks.

"That was perfect" Allisa said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"If they could have had it their way and planned their own funeral they would have wanted to go paintballing or something" I laughed.

"But that's what's makes them so unique and perfect for eachother" she said.

"I just wish they had more time" I sighed.

"We all wish they had more time, life just throws you these random curve balls" she said as we walked out of the graveyard hand in hand, with Carson on my hip and Hugo walking next to us.

"We will just have to see what other curve balls get thrown at us" I said as we walked down the street, ready to see what life had in store for me and my family.


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