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"This isn't Mickey mouse's fucking clubhouse!"


I strolled down the stairs into the dining room where Courtney was already sitting, furiously typing on her phone her long acrylic nails tapping the phone loudly, she hadn't even acknowledged I was there.

I sat down and she raised her head up from her phone and just stared at me.

"What a shame darling, you could have been so beautiful if you didn't look like your poor mother" she said looking back down at her phone.

"What the fuck! Who even are you? And why do you believe you have any right to bring up my mother? You aren't exactly a supermodel yourself" I teased back trying to contain my anger.

As Courtney opened her mouth to speak my father came in with his homemade carbonara (my favourite dish)

She then didn't utter a word during dinner.
That's what I thought bitch.

1 month later

The past 30 days have flown by, I've surprisingly enjoyed the time spent with my father as we bonded over old memories and promised to make new ones. He apologises every day for leaving and I tell him that it's all in the past and right now I just want to enjoy his company before he leaves again.

I'll be going home at the end of this week. Although I will be sad about leaving my father I'm glad to be getting away from that bitch Courtney.

She seems to manage to piss me off more and more. Yesterday she was raking through my luggage, complaining that I own too many pieces of black clothing.

2 am Thursday

"She isn't giving us any information Rodrigues!" Courtney's high pitched voice woke me up.

"Well, she is my daughter after all" my father chuckled.

"This isn't funny! You said we would get the information we need and she would leave! You have been too nice to her!" She declared whilst gnawing aggressively on her chewing gum.

"She's my fucking daughter! What is wrong with you woman" my father growled back.

"You had no problem doing it to Michelle!" My heart sunk when she mentioned my mother's name.

"That was different! She knew, Bella doesn't!" my father lowered his voice.

Know what?

"You've gone soft, and I don't like it! You've got by the end of this week to sort it out or I will" Courtney threatened before storming away.

"What the fuck" I let out a massive sigh and slid down the back of the door letting my mind come up with multiple scenarios as I drifted to sleep still on the floor.


"Ugh fuck my ass" I woke up and peeled myself off of the floor.

"Not to self don't fall asleep on the wooden floor" I groaned cracking my back trying to get the feeling back into my body.

I grabbed my phone and tried to phone Jason but I had no service.
great just great
I ventured downstairs acting like I never heard anything last night.

"Buenos días! dormiste bien?" my father started up a conversation.
(Good morning, did you sleep well?)

"Sì papá" I lied sitting down at the breakfast bar ignoring the kink in my neck.

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