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"I need to know who that woman is"


"What?!" I snapped.

"Well you have been the only one able to get into our database and you've done it multiple times." Ava said.

God I didn't miss her.

"It wasn't me, I have been far to busy. Plus why would I hack into to see all of your fucking faces when I can do that in person?" I grunted.

"She's right" Gary said as he started to bark our orders left and right.

"Pheonix you will have a simple mission next Friday, I'll phone you closer to the time. But for now I need someone to..." He stopped as he pulled out a box from underneath the table.

"Keep this little runt." He said as he lifted out a little black and white french bulldog.

"I can't take that home, I'm allergic"
"Already got 2 dogs"
"The Mrs doesn't like dogs"
"Got to many kids"
"To busy for a dog"

Excuse after excuse nobody would take the dog.

"I guess I'll have to just get rid of it" Gary said his version of 'get rid' is never good

"I'll take him!" I said standing up and making my way over to the little guy.

Gary handed me over the little puppy.
"What's his name?" I asked

"Canine 325761" he stated.

"Hugo, his name is Hugo" I said as the little puppy cuddled into my jumper.

"perfect, well that's the meeting done" Gary said before leaving.

I picked up the cardboard box and carried it to the car and placed it in the passenger seat. With Hugo in it.

"Hello little guy" I said stroking him.

"I guess we are going to the pet shop then huh." I chuckled.

I put Hugo down my jacket so his little head was peaking out and I bought him food, a bed, some toys, a collar and a leash.

I put everything in the car and saw that it was time to pick up Carson.

I kept Hugo down my jacket not wanting to leave him alone in the car. I picked up Carson and clipped him in his seat and showed him the puppy. He kept pretending to bark all the way home.

Carson being the big boy he insisted he would help carry Hugo's bed inside as I carried the box and his food in.

We placed everything in the kitchen and watched as the little puppy walked around.

Whilst I was out the builders that I hired came in and did my kitchen for me.

Whilst I was out the builders that I hired came in and did my kitchen for me

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