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"You are the fucking dons daughter"


It's been 4 weeks since I've been running my own business, and it's hectic as fuck.

Apparently alot more people were friends with my father and would love to have the privilege of working and making deals with me.

My father must have been high up in the business industry, he was always a businessman but apart from him owning a car dealership I never knew what else he did. But man did people have a lot of respect for him.

Tonight another business is hosting a party and I'm being forced to attend because the owner is a French mob leader that the FBI have been trying to get.

Personally I don't believe in the Mafia or anything like that, it was the way I was brought up. Like seriously a bunch of different mobs trying to become the best, it's stupid.

But the fbi want him for multiple reasons, so for once I've not to kill him, I've just to bring him in.

I'm now on my way home to get changed for this stupid party, worst thing is I can't even get drunk as I'm on a mission.


"AND I SAID WHAT ABOUT BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S!" I sing at the top of my lungs as I danced around my room finishing my hair.

"Damnnnn who is she?" I said hyping myself up in the mirror.

I put my dress on and had a fight with the zipper for a solid 15 minutes until I gave up as the zipper was close enough to the top

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I put my dress on and had a fight with the zipper for a solid 15 minutes until I gave up as the zipper was close enough to the top.

I tied my hair up into a bun. I added a coat of red lipstick before leaving the house and getting into the limo that had pulled up outside my house.

I watched as the limo reached the hotel where the party was being held. The limo came to a stop and the door was opened and a hand was held out for me.

I reached for the hand and pulled myself out of the car and sorted my dress out and walked down the carpet they had put out for us.

I walked straight into the building, god knows what's going to happen tonight.

I Walked into the main ballroom and it was mobbed full of people from all over the world. Thousands of different businesses all in the same room.

"Ah Miss Genovese" I heard my name get called from behind me.

"Mr Wilkinson. Great to see you again" I said as he kissed the back of my hand.

"Glad you can make it, let me introduce you to my wife" he said as he led me over to the table where she was sitting.

After a lot of introductions and talking about nothing exciting, I finally spotted the French man.

I walked over to him bumping my shoulder into him.

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