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"Revenge is sweet but also dangerous"


I hit the ground. HARD.
I felt my knees give in and I fell to the floor scraping my hands and face of the sharp stones and gravel.

I struggled to stand back up as I felt the pain rush in my legs, it felt like I had fallen out of a 90 story building onto a shit ton of sharp knives. It didn't help I was soaking wet and it was weighing me down.

I heaved for air as I continued to run each step getting worse and worse. My left leg was stinging and bleeding.

I reached the end of the road and saw a car go past. Not like the black SUVs a white small car.

"Help!" I screamed at the car as the man stepped out.
I got closer and the man frowned.

The man was my father.

"Papá" I whimpered.

"Isabella, what have you done?" He said looking away from me.

"mataste a madre" I said as I backed away.
(You killed mother)

"tuve que" he spoke softly
(I had to)

I pulled out my gun and pointed it at his chest.

"adios padre" I said as a single tear fell from my eye, before I hastily wiped it away
(Goodbye father)

I shot him and watched his body slump into the chair.

Revenge is sweet but also dangerous.

I stood still for about 5 minutes until the men approached me, they wore all black clothing, black-tinted sunglasses and stone-cold expressions.

"Come here, it's alright" one of them cooed at me.

I shook my head and took steps back ready to run again. I looked around and saw at least 6 all black cars surrounding me. People on roofs and hiding in various corners snipers aimed at me.

My heart sunk. I was trapped.

The man reached out and grabbed me, his hands clawing into my wrist as I tried to pull away. My back was pressed against him as he held a white cloth over my mouth and nose.

"Shhh..." He whispered in my ear.

I tried to fight the darkness, I kicked my sore legs and arms. But I felt myself slowly shutting down.

The pain from my legs and arms faded away, my eyes began fluttering.

I fought to keep them open but I felt my body go cold and my fight was over.

Numbness overtook me and my whole world went black.


I woke up feeling like utter shit.

Remember the worst hangover you have ever had and double it. Like someone grabbed a frying pan and hit my head 273 times in a row.

That's what I feel like now.

All I saw was darkness and I felt lightheaded, my hands were tied behind my back so tightly that I felt blood running down my wrists.

I had been screaming at these fuckers for a while now, so they taped my mouth shut and put a fucking paper bag over my head.

We were still in a van, they obviously just threw me in the back as there is now a cut in my forehead every so often I feel the blood dripping down into my eyebrow.

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