Chapter 17

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I hysterically screamed for help knowing fine well I wouldn't be heard over the music, I fumbled with the keys but the towel rack kept getting in the way.

"Shit!" I exhaled as I was side swiped to the floor, dropping the keys and winding myself.

"Too much hassle for such a stupid bitch" the man spat in my face.

"Get off me!" I headbutted him in the nose and continued to thrash around but he held my hands above my head which wasn't hard thanks to the towel rack.

"Pointless screaming for help, nobody can hear you" he gave a sly smile as his grubby hands ripped my dress and tugged at my thong.

I had a million thoughts racing through my head I crossed my legs over his head and tightened my grip Mr Smith's face losing it's colour. He clawed at my thigh as I continued to hold my tight grip.

I tightly shut my eyes as I embraced myself for when I try pull my wrists out of the handcuffs.

In a swift tug I pulled down as hard as I could the cold metal burning my skin, only one of my wrists had become free.

I reached next to my shoulder and grabbed my heel that came off earlier and stabbed him in the eye.

He screamed in agonizing pain and I tugged harder on the handcuffs and I heard something snap. "definitely broken" I bit my cheek as I looked at my floppy wrist.

I flipped Mr Smith over so he was next to me and in an instant I grabbed his face and snapped his neck, I leaned back against the wall collecting my breath before getting up onto my shaky legs.

I stared at his limp body before fumbling to grab the keys, ignoring the burning sensation in my wrist I opened the door to only realise that nobody had noticed my disappearance. I quickly hobbled out of the grand ballroom and straight back out of the doors, Getting into the car that was to take us back home.

"Is everything alright Miss Genovese?" The driver asked shocked taking a double take.

"perfect now head into town centre" I sighed taking of the only heel that stayed on my foot.

"I don't think that's a good idea, maybe we should-" he tried to help the situation.

"Either you drive me, or I will walk" I leaned back rubbing the red missing skin on my wrists.

"you got an address?" he sighed as we pulled away from the building.

The drive was short and silent but I could see the driver looking back at me every minute or so.

"this it?" he asked.

"bingo!" I smiled opening the car door.

"would you like me to wait outside?" he rolled down his window.

"No no I will get a taxi home" I said as I hauled my big ripped dress through the small wooden door of the dimly lit tavern.

I walked in and everyone stopped what they where doing and turned round to stare at me, ignoring their stares I walked to the bar my bare feet hitting of the cold wooden floor.

The place was just as I remembered... "I think you might be lost?" a deep husky voice brought me out of my daydream.

"No I am in the right place" I didn't bother turning around.

"Alright missy, just trynna warn you. this isn't a little club for girls" him and his mates chuckled.

"Everything alright here?" A man came through from the back.                                                              Just the man I was looking for...

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