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"Don't try to find me"


It was 8pm by the time I left Ricky's bar, we drank, ate and laughed the first time I felt normal since Jaime's death.

I got into my empty, cold apartment. I took a shower and headed straight to bed. I tried to get to sleep, but I was like a kid on christmas eve. No matter how hard I tried to get to sleep I couldn't.

I must of eventually fallen asleep as I woke to the heat coming into my room causing me to sweat a shit ton.

I breathed in and started coughing like crazy, the air was clouded. I couldn't breathe properly, I opened my eyes to see fire and a shit ton of it.

It must of started at the front door and went into the living room and kitchen, I stayed down low and peaked round the corner to see flames everywhere.

I felt my lungs slowly giving up on me and I welcomed the darkness with open arms.


I woke up to a bright light and the sound of beeping.

I rubbed my sore eyes and opened them, machines, bed, Windows.

"noooo!" I screamed
There was a figure sitting on one of the chairs.

"Jaime!" I yelled at the figure as I stepped down of the bed.

This was all a dream, everything. He's not dead, I've not been to jail, I've just woken up from a coma.

"Woah Ivy, you need to calm down" my heart sunk and I stepped back. That wasn't Jaime.

"Matteo?" I whispered.

"sì, it's me" he said sitting up straight in his chair.

It wasn't a dream
It's fucking real

"What happened?" I asked as he got up and helped me back into the bed.

"Your apartment caught on fire" he said.

"Yea no shit Sherlock, after that" I sighed.

"The fire was all over the news and nobody was doing anything about it, there were 3 men surrounding your apartment making sure nobody got in or out." He explained.

"The fire brigade hadn't even been called and they never even showed up. Me and a few of my guys got rid of the men and burst in to find you in an empty apartment, half conscious and we took you here" he said bringing his chair closer to my bed.

"How many days ago was this?" I've missed my flight.

"Just yesterday" he said.

"Okay well thanks for saving me" I said as I stepped back down of the bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked shocked.

"Out of this place" I replied hobbling to the bathroom.

"But you don't have anywhere to go" he tried reasoning with me

"I do" I replied

"Please your apartment got burnt to a crisp, at least stay with me until you find somewhere else" I he said on the there side of the door.

I'm leaving tonight no matter what and the quicker I get out of this hospital the better.

"Fine but only for a few days!" Wink wink

"I'll go get the discharge papers" he said before hurrying away.


"Fancy car you got here" I said admiring the grey Maserati that was in front of us.

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