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"People are after you, lots of people"


"Get your hands off me you slimey fucking nonces!" I slurred over my words as I got dragged out of the club, with a bottle of jack Daniels in one hand a a bottle of vodka in the other.

"You sir are a... prick!" I bit the guys hand that was on my arm.

"And you sir were dropped as a child" I yelled at the other.

"Nah actually you where thrown at a fucking wall!" I thrashed around.

"Get off me!" they let go and I fell down a step holding on to the railing as everything spun around me.

I got to my feet and jumped on one their backs and started clawing at them.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed.

"Wow what the fuck is going on?" Ricky asked running out.

"She's fucking crazy boss" the man who's back I was on whined.

"Ivy get down!" Ricky said as he pulled me off the man.

I swung round and punched the man square in the face.

"You bitch!" He yelled.

"Is there a problem here?" A man in a suit must of turned up at some point to witness all of that.

"Yes these fuckers manhandled me out of the club" I shouted, not totally sure on why I was shouting. I grabbed my bottles and took a swing of Jack Daniels.

"She broke my nose." The man replied holding his literal bloody nose.

"Boo fucking hoo!" I shouted in his face whilst Ricky held me back.

"I'm sorry Mr Giovanni, we seem to have had some complications. But everything inside is perfect and all set" Ricky apologized to he man.

"Bum sook" I said out loud by accident.

"Pardon?" Suit man asked.

"Did you burp?" I asked gaining a nudge in the rib from Ricky.

"I better take her home." Ricky said pulling me away.

"I'm not going back there!" I squirmed.

"You have too" he said unlocking his car.

"Get off!" I yelled and stumbled away.

"Ivy get in the car!" He said with gritted teeth.

"Piss off dickface!" I said before I stumbled and my foot slipped off the sidewalk and I landed on my ribs.

"Fucking fantastic" I breathed out.

"I'll take her home" Mr Giovanni spoke up.

"No it's okay she's my friend I'll manage" Ricky said trying to pick me off of the floor.

"Goodnight" I said whilst the men talked and I fell asleep on the side of the sidewalk.

Can you blame me I've not slept in 2 whole days.

Mr Giovanni

I watched as this girl got dragged out of the club with 2 bottles in her hand looking like a feral beast.

She came out screaming and shouting I'm sure she bit one of their hands.

I watched at Ricky an old friend of mine tried to get her into the car only for her to scream and shout like she was getting kidnapped.

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