Chapter 22

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Allister's pov

We've been in Russia for 2 months now and it's been shit to say the least.

Every single bloody night of the first month Isabella had been on call to that stupid prick Matteo, I swear to fuck if he blows this mission...
"You coming?" Ivan asked from outside.

Isabella and I haven't spoke to eachother at all and she tries to avoid me as much as possible and even still Ivan and Alexander have to be there incase anything was to happen.

For the past few weeks she has been miserable and moping around the whole apartment and today Alex thought it would be a good idea for her to put the alcohol down and go shopping, which she didn't like the idea off.

We all stood at the door waiting for Isabella, we waited for about 10 minutes and thought that she wasn't going to show yet then she walks out of her room in plain black jeans a red hoodie and a black bomber jacket. Her long black hair now replaced with a short brown wig.

It may be snowing outside yet she was wearing sunglasses, her face was pale and her knuckles where bruised.
"Ready?" Ivan asked.

"Let's get this shit over with" she said and pushed past everyone.

We walked down the road pretending to all get along with eachother, we walked past a few shops and it wasn't until we walked past a baby shop that we saw Isabella actually pay attention to her surroundings.

She tried to subtly look at the mothers and their children looking around at toys to little baby clothes, then looked at the mothers to be who where glowing with there pregnant bellys prominent.

"Want to go in?" Alexander must off noticed aswell since he asked quietly.

She started to take steps towards the door then looked back at all of us, especially me. Through her sunglasses she looked me up and down.

"No!" She snarled giving me daggers and started to rush down the street.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I asked.

"Just keep quiet" Ivan said and we started to follow her down the street.

Soon enough she found a big store and walked in with Alexander by her side, she grabbed a trolley and made her way through all the isles.

Somehow we ended up going different ways and in different isles so myself and Ivan went to look for them, we walked down the cake isle, the clothes isle and even the alcohol isle and they weren't there.

"Oh my look at this one" I heard Isabella's laugh from the toy isle.

We walked down and there the where with giant teddy's play fighting eachother and she was smiling. That has to be the first time I've seen her smile since we got here. That same smile vanished as soon as she saw me standings there.

We have spent a good 4 hours shopping and where exhausted, Ivan had to phone for a car to take our bags because we had bought so much stuff.

The car arrived and we put all of our bags in.
"Did we seriously buy the massive teddy?" I asked as I saw Alexander put it in the boot.

"Your just jealous you didn't get one" he responded before shutting the boot.

It was a short yet quiet drive home Isabella didn't even acknowledge that I was also in the car as she spoke to the others purposely excluding me.


"Is she ready?" I asked Alexander.

Today we have a business meeting using our undercover identities and instead of the cover story of us being married over the phone Isabella said we where siblings.

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