Chapter 30

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"Well well well, lovely to see you again Isabella" I heard a familiar voice.

"Your dead" I exclaimed as Allister stood right in front of me.

"No you tried to kill me! But failed and here I am back to kill you" he laughed as more men came round the corner grabbing my arms.

"get your grubby hands off me you pigs!" I yell.

"now now behave yourself I have some very interesting news I think you will like to hear" he chuckled as he walked away leaving me with these massive men.

I stabbed one guy in the eye with my heel and he let go, the second guy ran at me and I ducked to the side.

"You little bitch!" He roared as I ran out out of the gates with one heel on.

"I'm not going to let you away that easily" he said pointing to the roof, I looked up and was shot with a tranquilizer dart.

"I'm not a fucking animal" I shouted as I tried to run to my car but everything went into slow motion and soon enough I hit the floor, i tried to crawl away but my muscles gave out and I collapsed on the concrete in complete and utter darkness.

Matteo's pov:

"We are gathered here today-" the minister started and Paris held out her hands to hold mine.

"Definitely the fuck not, god knows how many std infected dicks you've had in your grubby hands" I scoffed gaining chuckles from the audience.

She had a scwol on her face, talking about her face. Stevie wonder would have done a way fucking better job at her makeup.

Her eyelashes thicker then anything I have ever seen I'm surprised she could open her eyes. She had two massive brown shit stains on her cheeks and her lips where over drawn so much her top lip almost touched her nose.

As the minister blabbered on I couldn't help but keep looking at Stephan and Ace who kept giving eachother worrying looks then looking back at Stephan's phone.

"Shit she's not picking up, her phones been disconnected" Ace turned to face Alissa.

"Time for your vows Matteo?" The minister asked.

"Matteo?" He asked again.

"Babe?" Paris stamped her foot.

"Shit we need to go!" Ace said as they started to leave their seats.

"What the fuck?" I asked them.

"Isabella's in trouble" Ace whispered in my ear.

"Weddings delayed go home. EVERYONE!" I shouted

"Babe! What are you doing?" Paris shouted.

"Son what are you doing?" My father came up to us.

"Padre, Isabella's in trouble. She went to Connors house for something and then she text saying there was a child there when there indeed isn't, it was a distraction, She then sent this voice note of her shouting. Now her phone has been disconnected" Ace rambled on.

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