Chapter 28

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Enjoy bitchachos ;)

I sat on the opposite side of the couch away from Matteo, hugging a bottle of whiskey.

"Bella" he said turning to face me.

"Don't" I said putting my hand up to stop him.

"We need to talk" he said.

"Then talk" I took another swig.

"it isn't what it looks like" he said running his hands over his face.

"Do you love her?" I asked in a serious tone.

"No. I...You... No I fucking hate her" he scoffed in disbelief.

"Then tell me why? Why are you engaged? Why did you stop calling?" I asked.

"Tell me why?!" I shout staring at him.

"I had no fucking choice!" He yelled.

"What do you mean you had no choice?" I took a swig from my bottle.

"I had no fucking choice goddam it, it was your fucking father." He ran his hands through his hair, resting his elbows on his knees.

"This has nothing to do with my father!" I sat there shocked.

"But it does Bella, he never liked the idea that we where anything more then friends he tried countless times to set me up with woman. I always said no, I didn't want them." He explained

"So what made you change your mind about this one?" I scoffed

"Just let me finish" he complained and I stared at him waiting for him to continue.

"When you where in Russia your father was doing business deals across the whole country and introduced us to Paris, now paris has some connection to your father I don't know if it's by blood or by marriage but he wanted her to get married into the Spanish Mob" he told me.

"His daughter?" I chocked on my whiskey.

"I honestly do not know but she is also related to Allister-"

"About that... Well Allister is dead" I interrupted.

"What did you do?" He chuckled.

"long story short I set off some explosives whilst he was still trapped inside a house, but that doesn't matter right now continue your story" I say sitting back listening.

"Least now I don't need to track him down and kill him myself, anyway Paris and him where siblings and they both had a connection with your father.

Your father found out about us calling eachother and threatened to keep you in Russia as long as possible, I thought he was bluffing but he was deadly serious. He then blocked any communication between us" He looked away sad.

"He then convinced my father that I should get married since I was next in line and didn't have a 'significant other'. I wanted to kill her the second I was forced into this shitty engagement. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep I couldn't fucking function knowing that I would hurt you and that I had no idea if you were safe or not." He held my face in his hands.

"Look at me, if there was anything I could do I would, I don't want to be married to her. I've worked my ass off trying to get her to hate me so she would call off the wedding but she's very adamant that this wedding will go through" he said stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm sorry" he whispers before planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

My hands wrapped around his neck as I press my lips against his, his tongue grazed my lips and I moaned giving him access. Our kiss was filled with so much intensity and and passion. My fingers tangled in his damp hair as I pulled him closer to me slightly.

He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him, His lips trailed down my jaw until he reached my neck.

He roughly grabbed my breast in one hand while the other hand weaved its way through my hair. I moaned in pleasure as his lips brushes my ear and harshly bit my earlobe.

He bucked his hips and rolled on top of me, he looked down at me."for old times sake?" he asked.

"Last time, and I mean it this time" I looked up at.

He slowly kissed down my body until he reached the thin material of my thong. He kissed the fabric going lower, his fingers grazing my skin as he planted more little kisses down my thigh and down to my knee.

He gripped the waistband of the thong between his teeth as he slowly began to move down my body. I lifted my hip giving him easier access to take them off.

"You're so fucking perfect, Bella" he said in a low tone as he trailed kisses from my inner ankle back up.

He climbed up my body and kissed me passionately, I pulled him closer leaving no space between us.

"You sure?" His eyebrows furrowed as his thumb lightly grazed my cheek and lower lip.

"Positive, one last time" I smirked at him.

"One last time" he said as he pushed into me.

He pushed his hips, thrusting into me hard, I bit my lip.

"Faster Matteo, fuck" my moans filling the empty rooms.

He immediately fulfilled my wish and started to pound into me relentlessly as his head dipped down and his lips crashed onto mine passionately.

My body started shaking and the familiar sensation started to course through my body, Matteo let out a familiar moan as he continued to pound into me.

I clenched around him and screamed his name as my orgasm rippled through me, my nails digging into his back piercing the skin.

"Holy fuck Bella" Matteo breathed out into the crook of my neck and I pulsed around his dick. "Fuck!" He exclaimed as he quickened his pace and his dick hardened inside of me.

He moaned out my name before he thrusted hard, filling me completely as he came inside of me, cursing and moaning my name as we climaxed together.

After we finished, Matteo collapsed down onto me and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. He kissed my neck softly as he wrapped his arms around me tightly, covering us both with the bed sheets. We laid there our chests moving up and down in sync, trying to catch our breathe.

"Just like old times" he chuckled.

"Just like old times" I responded looking into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.


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