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"It wasn't fate, it was a successful mission"

My knuckles went white as I gripped the steering wheel, I felt my face pale at the news I had just received.

I spun the car around doing doughnuts making enough smoke for me to get away without them knowing which way I went.

I quickly got out of the tunnel and could see Connors men headlights light up the tunnel as they tried to chase us.

I quickly drove onto the motorway and into a little street where there was trees, I followed the trees until we reached the outskirts of town and had lost everyone.

"Bella" Matteo said.

I didn't reply, all the adrenaline had gone and my father was a fucking Mafia leader!

"Isabella" Matteo said shaking my shoulders.

"Don't" was all I said and he got out of the car and started yelling to people down the phone.

My hands where still gripped onto the steering wheel, my eyes where fixed onto the view ahead. Unable to think straight never mind move.

My father.
My father.
The man that brought me up, cared for me, who then proceeded to leave me.

Is a fucking mafia leader.
A mob boss.

The same person who told me that the mafia don't exist, it was made up to scare people.

That's when it hit, everything all fell into place like a fucked up jigsaw called 'my life'.

I was used as bait.
That's the only reason why Connor doesn't send me to jail, the reason he keeps me around. I'm just a pawn to them.

If I'm the dons daughter, people respect me enough to let me into their lives and find out information that goes back to Connor.
Who will then use it against them.

I'm a rat, I just didn't know it. 

"Isabella, there are cars here to take us home" He spoke softly.

"Come on its getting late" he nudged me.

"Fuck this" he leaned over me and took off my seatbelt and carried me bridal style to one of the black SUVs that must have pulled up.

"Isabella, everything will be explained soon. Don't worry" Ricardo said from the front seat.

"I'm fine!" I said as I sunk into Matteo's side.

"I thought they were the bad guys, but I'm the bad person. Everything I've been told it's all been a lie" I  murmured as Matteo rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"It's okay, just fall alseep. It's been a long day, you need to sleep" he said as a blanket was put over the top of us making me jump in a fright.

"Hey hey it's just me" Ace said as he put the blanket back onto us and sat back into the seat.

"Shit sorry" I murmured as I ran out of energy crashing on Matteo's chest.


I woke up with no alarm blaring in my ear, I sat up and all the things from last night came flooding back.

The dance, the car chase, the Mafia, my father being the don.

I've fucked up.

I swung my legs off the bed and noticed I was in different clothes. I was now in shorts and a white t-shirt.

I also noticed I wasn't in my room, or any room in my house. But by the looks of things I also wasn't in any room at Ace's house.

I quickly got out of bed and made it to the door, I peaked my head round to see a corridor.

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