Chapter 19

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October 14th.

The day I dreaded every year.

My birthday.

I woke up and was already in a foul mood. I moved Matteo's arm and slid out from his grip. I quickly grabbed some clothes and headed downstairs.

On the counter was a cake and an envelope. I didn't have the mental strength to open it or tell him I didn't want it so I quickly just swiped them into the bin.

"I'll be back" I bent down and comforted Hugo. In all honesty I didn't want to return but I also didn't want to hurt Matteo he's done nothing wrong and won't understand.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and vodka, I took 3 shots of vodka and took the wine with me leaving a note to Matteo saying I would be home later than usual.

I got into my car and just sped around town not caring about anything or how immature and reckless I was being.

I ended up driving to my gym where I sat in my office downing wine and destroying my punching bag until it broke completely and collapsed to the floor.

I didn't bother wrapping my fists so they where now all burst and bloody, some bruises where already forming and blood had gotten onto my white T-shirt.

"Fucking fantastic" I knocked a stack of books of my desk and slammed the door shut, getting into my car and heading to the offices.

I grabbed my bottle of wine and put in my sunglasses not ready for an ounce of chit chat, but they know that, they know better to even look at me today. I'm what they call 'trigger happy' a 'loose cannon'

I storm into the offices and everything goes silent, I smirk knowing the effect I have on these people. I venture down to where they hold the prisoners and unlocked a few cells.

"Time to have fun" I said taking a swig from my bottle.

After I relentlessly fucked up 5 men's faces I left the building and not a word was said. If only it was like that everyday.

I had only one more thing to do, but just as I expected Matteo had been blowing up my phone all day aswell as a few worried messages from Ace. I held my phone tight and eventually turned it off completely and threw it on the passenger seat as I rested my head on the steering wheel.

I drove for an hour, until I reached the graveyard. The specific graveyard where my mother was buried. I sat crossed legged in front of the headstone and gently lay the flowers down.

I started conversation about how I was doing but just like with Eddie every single story I wanted to share consisted of Matteo.

"Goodbye mother" I spoke softly tracing a finger over the top of her head stone. I got up from the ground and got back into my car ready for the hour long journey back. But I couldn't return home just yet.

I ended up driving to a street race just outside of town. One I used to attend quite frequently after passing my test. I parked my car, leaning against the bonnet as I watched different cars all spread round different corners and tight bends.

This specific race had been known to have the most crashes, hence why all the shops here where out of business. Probably as people get crashing into them and destroying them. But it was never too major nobody died so it was all just fun.

"Bella" I heard Matteo's voice

"How did you find me?" I didn't look at him.

"I have my ways" he brushed my attitude off.

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