Chapter 20

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^^ this song is Matteo's thoughts about his mother's death.
Just a warning it is quite sad and might upset alot of people as it's a sensitive topic.


I could not stand still in the hospital and the guilt was eating me alive but I stayed, I needed to stay. It was a few hours before my father ended up dragging me home.

I reached home and I took the cake out of the top of the bin and it was still in its plastic box and I ate it, I opened the card and it was a full off photos of me and Matteo.

Now I feel even more guilty.

why am I such a bitch?

I asked myself repeatedly as I dug my nails into my arm until I pierced the skin.

"Seriously Isabella?" My father shouted at me for the fifth time.

"You think I fucking meant it?" I shouted back.

"So much for not wanting to hurt them!" He chuckled sarcastically.

"I didn't ask him to be their or to do anything" I said taking a swig from my wine.

"Why have you became so attached to Matteo anyway?" he asked.

"I'm not" I went blank.

"You two seem really close, closer then you and Ace. You sure there isn't anything going on?" He pressed

"Nothing is going on" I snapped

"Good, the last thing you need is a distraction. Plus they are Italian, some people won't accept that" he added with a smirk

"Sorry traffic was a nightmare, they are still cleaning up the accident" Allister said walking into my house.

As soon as one foot came into my house I charged at him and basically decked him off my front step and straight onto the grass. I got on top of him and started punching his smug face.

"Someone angry that their lover got hurt?" He smirked

"YOU FUCKER!" I yelled

"Isabella!" My father yelled.

"I'm going to kill you with my own hands!" I shout and start strangling him as he tries to fight back.

"Don't know what he sees in you. We all know you aren't capable of love" he sneered.

I was full off anger and hatred, this little bitch has once again fucked my life up!

"Face it you can't commit to anything but a crime" he spluttered out.

Every word he stuttered out I tightened my grip until he couldn't speak no more.

"I'm sorry Isabella" my father said and I felt myself go limp, I tried so hard to fight off the darkness and I refused to loosen my grip around Allisters neck but I soon felt my body fall on its side.


I slowly sat up and was greeted by Lucia, who had a tray with medication on it.

"Is he dead?" I got out of bed.

"Who?" She asked.

"Allister, Matteo. Any of them!" I said throwing on some bottoms.

"they are both still alive" she smiled.

"I need to go to the hospital" I said grabbing some shoes.

"It's 3am" she said.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her.

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