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"It's impossible to stay mad at me"


I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear.

"I'm awake shut up!" I hauled myself out of my warm bed and saundered to the bathroom for a shower. I quickly threw together an outfit for my first day at my new company.

After a 10 minute drive I made it to the building. It was a 12 story building and it had Phoenix Enterprises on a massive sign for everyone to see.

I parked my car in my own parking space. I have my own fucking space.

I strutted into my office. And I mean I fucking strutted. I owned this place.

"Great to finally meet you miss Genovese." I was greeted by a smartly dressed woman.

"Ah call me Pheonix" I smiled.

"Miss Phoenix?" She asked.

"Just Phoenix" I laughed.

"Yes.. m.. Pheonix. Your office is this way" the woman said as she guided me through the corridors and into the lift.

"Floor 12 is all yours. With everything you could need" she smiled.

"A chocolate fountain?" I asked jokingly.

"If you would like that we could arrange that" she said getting out her notebook.

"Woah woah hold on, it was a joke. Anyway what's your name?" I asked.

"Miss Wilson" she responded.

"Name?" I asked again.

"Oh er Georgia" she said nervously.

"Great Georgia. I don't know what your last boss was like, but I prefer if my employees enjoy their job and aren't always stressing" I said being truthful.

And also the fact that I don't want her up my arse asking all these annoying questions.

"So I take it you're an assistant?" I asked.

"I'm your personal assistant, I guess you didn't receive the email we sent" she said bringing out her iPad.

Where the fuck did she hide that?? She just pulled it out of nowhere. I wouldn't have gotten that email as Connor would have received it and would have not bothered to send me it. Prick.

"Here is everything you should know" she said handing me the iPad.

I scanned my eyes over everything.

"Okay that's perfect" I said emailing the email to my fake personal email.

"and here we are" Georgia said as the doors pinged open.

I walked out and my jaw hit the floor. I quickly contained myself and followed Georgia through the giant dark oak doors, it was silent apart from our heels hitting of the marble floor.

We walked past a little reception which had a little room connected to the back which was Georgia's office.

We walked past a little reception which had a little room connected to the back which was Georgia's office

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