Chapter 16

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"this stupid fucking dress!" I shout.

It was now Friday and I refused to have anyone help me get ready for Matteo's party.

Just as I assumed it wasn't a little party, it's a massive ball and everyone is wearing expensive gowns and suits.

"What the fuck is going on in there" Ace knocks from the other side of the door.

"I can't zip it up" I complained.

"Can I come in" he asked.

"If youre gonna help then yes" I said.

"Holy shit!" Ace said as he walked in.

"What have I ripped it already?" I started to look for rips or marks.

"What no! You look fucking incredible. Matteo will need some holy water after seeing you." He joked

"Shut up, and please zip this up" I laughed

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"Shut up, and please zip this up" I laughed.

The dress wasn't something I would usually wear, I would have just worn a black dress but the theme was colour and fairytale type of event or something I really didn't read the invite.

I added some light makeup and curled my hair which took fucking way longer than I expected.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I said as I grabbed my purse.

"Pfft I am looking handsome" Ace joked posing infront of the mirror.

"Ready to go?" He asked me as I put my heels on.

"sì, I will put my shoes on when I get downstairs" I said picking up some silver heels.

Ace and I linked arms as we walked downstairs and into my living room.

"Carson!" I exclaimed as he was standing next to a young brunette woman.

"Carson!" I exclaimed as he was standing next to a young brunette woman

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"Aren't you handsome" I said as he ran and gave me a hug.

"I'm Alissa" the woman said.

"Isabella, but call me Ivy" I said as we hugged.

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