Worst // Trike

441 13 21

Mike blasted Waterparks through his earbuds as he walked through the hall. He didn't care about the "no phones in the hall" rule. No one at the school seemed to care.

He got to English with time to spare. He saw his friend, Billie, talking to someone. Mike had never seen this kid before.

"Hey, Bill, who's is this guy?" Mike asked his friend. He got a good look at this person and noticed his soft looking brown hair and gentle blue eyes. Mike also had blue eyes, but his resembled more like toilet bowl cleaner than this boy's ocean eyes.

"Oh, this is Tré he came all the way from Germany, would you believe that?!" Billie said. The 'Tré' kid looked up when he heard his name and looked over at Mike, staring at him for a few seconds too long.

"Guten Morgen! Ich heiße Tré!" Tré said, holding his hand out. Mike took the school knowledge that he had of German 1, 2, and 3 classes to know that he said, 'Good morning! My name is Tré!'

"Guten Morgen, ich heiße Mike," he said, stumbling over the words a bit.

"Ich wusste nicht dass du Deutsch spricht!"
(I didn't know you spoke German!)

"Ja! Aber nicht viel."
(Yeah, but not much)

"Immer noch besser als dieser Dummkopf, Billie."
(Better than that idiot, Billie.)

"Amerikanisch Dummkopf."
(American Idiot)

Mike and Tré laughed and Billie looked over at him, with a confused look.

"Were you guys talking about me? I heard my name," Billie asked, when the two calmed down.

"Well, if you took German with me, you'd know."

Billie rolled his eyes and punched Mike softly. Tré tapped Mike's arm, getting Mike's full attention.

"Ich werde etwas Seltsames sagen, aber du bist süß."

Mike blushed and tried to find the right response.

"Nien, du, äh, ich meine, du bist auch süß."

It was Tré's turn to blush. Mike smiled, looking down to hide his own blush. Billie Joe just sat there trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. Then it hit him. They were flirting with each other.

"Mike! You should ask him out, you two clearly like-like each other, so just go for it."

"How do you even know if we are flirting? What if he was just complimenting me?"

"You were both blushing! It's so obvious!"


Mike turned to Tré, who was busy trying to understand the notes the teacher was putting down on the screen.

"Äh, Tré, willst du Freitag mit mir ausgehen?"


Mike smiled and turned to Billie.

"It went well, I guess?"

"It did! He said yes to Friday night!"

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