Still Breathing // Millie

365 11 20

tw//sad, kinda

Billie felt achy and numb as the same time. He didn't know why, it just hit him like a train. One minute he was texting and laughing with his friends, the next he was curling up in his bed, just listening to music. He got an alert about a text, but he didn't bother to check it. He didn't care, the message will still be there later. He could use the excuse he fell asleep. His throat squeezed.

He laid still, not knowing what to do. soon enough, he felt tears falling down his face. Why he was crying was beyond his understanding, but he didn't care enough to get up. Instead, he flipped over so he was face first to his bed.

Billie's phone started to ring, but he just ignored it. It rang 2 more times then went quiet. Billie decided to check who called him. The first 2 times were his best friend, Mike, and the last one was from Tré.

It rang again in his hand, so he just tossed it, not knowing he accidentally hit the accept button.

"BeeJ? Are you okay?" Mike's voice rang. Billie nodded, not realizing Mike couldn't see him.

"Billie?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Billie croaked out.

"I don't believe that," he heard Mike say.

"What do you mean?" Billie asked, sitting up a bit.

"Well, you stopped texting without an excuse."

"I have my reasons."

"You didn't answer my first two calls."

"Didn't see them."

"And you sound like you've been crying."

"I always sound like this."

"No, you don't, stop making excuses, either tell me what's wrong or I'm going over to you," Mike said. Billie could hear the desperation in Mike's voice. but he couldn't just explain why he felt numb and empty. Not if he didn't know why he felt that way.

"I-I can't, I just can't," Billie said, trying to get Mike away from his feelings.

"Why not, B?" Mike asked. He sounded really confused. Billie put down his phone, hanging up. Then, the feeling of numbness hit harder, somehow and Billie just laid back down, not knowing what to do. He just sat there, and let his mind run blank.

Mike knocked on the door a few times, not getting an answer. That's when he remembered the extra key he had and he used it to get in.

"Billie?" he called out into the seemingly empty house.

"Go away, I'm not here," he heard call back. Mike frowned and came up with a quick plan.

"Well, if Billie isn't here, then I should go," he said only to open and close the door, while staying inside. After a few minutes, he started walking to Billie's room and saw Billie just laying on the bed. He looked sad and empty. Mike cleared his throat and Billie jumped.

"I said go away, I don't want anyone," Billie said, curling back into a ball.

"Billie, c'mon, I would not leave you when you're like this, you are my best friend," Mike said, sitting down next to Billie. Billie moved his head onto Mike's lap. Mike immediately started to cradle Billie. They've been friends for so long, that this was normal for them.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Mike asked. He knew Billie would have to open up at some point.

"I'm not sure... one minute I was texting you and the next, I just felt... numb, empty, achy."

Mike nodded and held Billie a little closer. He didn't know why anyone would just feel empty all a sudden. But he was determined to make Billie feel better.

"Wanna get some hot chocolate? The kind that comes with the little candy canes?" he asked, hopefully. Billie shook his head and curled further into Mike.

"Wanna stay here and order in some Taco Bell?" Mike felt a nod against his stomach. Mike began to twist and play with Billie's hair as he called the Taco Bell place.

"Hello, this is Taco Bell, Tyler speaking," Tyler, the Taco Bell Man said.

"Hello, can I have <normal taco bell order>?"

"No, we ran out of lettuce."

"Ok then..." Mike hung up and just noticed Billie was asleep on his lap.

"Just keep breathing, everything will be alright."

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