prom dress // Trillie

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the alternative title i had: king for a day


but then it gets really soft and stuff

Femboy!Billie joe

his dress:

his heels:

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his heels:

intro longer than i remembered, my bad (although, ily if you get the reference)

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intro longer than i remembered, my bad (although, ily if you get the reference)

Billie sat on the floor, playing with his dark blue prom dress as he started to wonder if Mike would notice if he left. Mike was on the other side of the room. Mike was always the sociable one out of the two. Billie saw all the people walk by, a few of them giving him a weird look, like he was a feral animal. All of a sudden, he felt his throat close and heart beat faster. The sounds of everyone laughing, were they laughing at him?

Gay shit.







Might as well be a tranny.

The words fluttered around his head as he ran to the men's bathroom. But he felt pretty in the dress. In the skirts he wears. In the bright blue crop tops he wears. The pair of heels he wore tonight. All of his femboy clothes made his spirit fly more than it does in masculine clothes.

Suddenly, the door opened and someone stepped in. Billie pulled his feet up to hide the heels and tried to stop crying. He'd be the prom king if being a crybaby was the competition.

Maybe he should've been like all the other boys and have worn a suit. Then maybe he wouldn't be curled up in the bathroom crying. Prom should've been fun, but it isn't. Nothing could make this better. Billie hiccupped a little, causing the other person to notice his presence. There was a soft knock on the door. Billie shook his head, hoping the other person didn't notice the door was unlocked. Unfortunately, the door was pushed open and revealed a short, brown-haired man with beautiful blue eyes. Billie was frightened to be seen in the men's bathroom with his blue dress and blue heels.

The boy didn't seem angrily confused that Billie was curled up on the closed toilet. Just simply confused.


That was the only thing that the brown hair man said, staring at Billie's face. Billie assumed it was his name and opened his mouth to say his name back, but all that came out was a broken sob. The stranger, Tré, Billie guessed, immediately went over to femboy and offered a hug. Billie accepted and cried a bit harder. But he felt safe around this new person. Like he could cry. Be himself.

"Sh, sh, it'll be okay, I promise. I don't know what may be wrong, but it'll be okay. Also, that dress looks very pretty on you."

"Th-thank you. My... my name is Billie," Billie said, leaving his head on Tré's shoulder. Again, out of the blue, the door opened and a familiar voice rang through the bathroom.

"Billie? Are you in here? Where did you go?" Mike's voice rang out. Billie carefully pushed away from Tré. He stepped out of the stall and Mike hugged him quickly.

"People are so scary, Mikey, I don't wanna hear their voices again," Billie said.

"You can ignore them, now tell me who you were with in that stall," Mike said, with a laugh. Billie blushed and tried to walk away. Then, Tré stepped out of the stall to see what was happening. Mike raised his eyebrow and look at Billie then Tré.

"Oh- did you find someone? Do you want me to go?"

Billie looked between the two. He softly nodded and went over to Tré.

"Alright, I'll call you when the taxi is back," Mike said as he left the bathroom.

Billie looked at his dress. It had a small water stain from the toilet but was otherwise unnoticeable.

"I wasn't lying when I said the dress looked amazing on you. And it looks even better that we aren't in that dark stall," Tré said, breaking the mutual silence. Billie smiled, looking down to hide the now very obvious blush. He wiped his face, successfully getting eyeliner smudged all over the place. He didn't bring his eyeliner so he smudged the other side so it matched the other. Tré watched, in amazement of how a guy could pull off a dress, makeup, and heels so beautifully.

"Uh, Billie? Do you wanna go out and dance? After all, we are at prom," Tré said, as the two began to leave. Billie froze and wondered, would it be okay to dance with a stranger? Why didn't the stranger see him as weird? Why did this stranger seem like literally the best person ever? Questions flew around his head. He can't have another anxiety attack, not after already having one.

But it was like a freight train, once it started, it couldn't stop. His thoughts spiraled and he felt his breathing shorten. Tré notice and immediately went to hug him. This only made Billie feel worse, now he was stuck. He pushed away from Tré and rushed away. He felt absolutely useless. He had barely met someone who he really liked and already panicked. He finally accepted he was a failure. He couldn't do a damn thing right.

Footsteps rounded the corner and a man - Tré - appeared. Billie looked up for a second before moving away. He shouldn't be a bother anymore. When Tré didn't leave, Billie stood up to go outside. As he walked past Tré, Tré grabbed his wrist with a soft, yet firm hold. Billie stopped and looked at Tré.

"I heard the things you whispered to yourself. You aren't a failure, I can promise."

"How... how do y-you kn-know, you bare-ly me-t me an h-hour ago..."

"Because you, my sir, are Billie whatever-the-fuck-your-middle-and-last-names-are. And last time I checked, he isn't a failure."

Billie smiled before saying, "it's "Joe Armstrong." Tré smiled at the fact Billie smiled.

"Well then, Billie Joe Armstrong is a name of a powerful man. Especially a man who looks cute in a dress. And guess what," Tré said, softly bumping Billie.


"Tré Armstrong sounds like an amazing name."

Billie laughed and moved to sit back on the ground. Tré followed and sat next to him. Billie relaxed his head on Tré's shoulder, and just leaned up against the shorter.

"Dances are stupid. Especially prom," Billie said, after a minute. Tré nodded and carefully moved to play with Billie's hair. Billie hummed and closed his eyes. It was peaceful, calm, perfect, whatever you wanna call it.

"Billie, I know we just met and all, but do you wanna go on a date?" Tré asked. Billie looked up, his green eyes basically piercing into Tré's soul.

"Yeah, that's sounds really amazing," Billie said, with a huge smile. Tré beamed and the two went back into a quiet feeling. The perfect feeling.

And that is how Tré and Billie met. They've been married 11 years now and Billie still has the prom dress turned wedding dress.

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