weightless // Millie

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why do i choose atl songs for letter fics?

Hey, Mike,

I saw that letter you sent me. And I want you to know. I still kinda love you too. I may have my boyfriend, who I really do love, and you even though you said you don't love your girlfriend, you still have her.

You know I don't get attached to people very easily. But you clicked so much faster. I'm glad we are best friends, and I wouldn't try to make that go down to not friends. Not in my power.

I was hurt when you left me, but you know what? We can be right across the street or 1,000 miles away, and I'll always love you. And I know you are literally thousands of miles away right now, but you said in 2 years we will be so much closer.

I don't want to leave my boyfriend right now, I love him too much, I'm attached. But if something were to happen, I swear, I'll wait for you, even if you get over those feelings.

I'm attached to you, as my best friend and my ex. I don't want you to ever leave. You are the 3rd most important person to me, and one of the people above you is... gone.

I love you, I wanna feel weightless, out of all these confusing feelings. The last month has been really upsetting, you know most reasons, but you came back to me, so everything is so much better. I missed you so damn much. I've said this a million and one times, I'm attached to you. And that one month... just sucked, nothing was amazing, well one thing was, m̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶y̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶, you became friends with me again, even though I pushed you away.

I'm getting so emotional, jesus, but I need you to know. I meant everything I ever told you. I didn't feel obligated to love you. I felt like, all the meds I have, all the emotions I have, everything was just... okay. Y'know, sorry for trying to ignore you that whole time, make you think I was gone for good. But I can promise, I was really thinking of using that second account, following you, and making sure you're okay, I really do care.

I feel like I should say so much more, but then I'm going to sound like a broken record.

So, to end this, I love you, so much, I will never leave.

Signed, kinda yours


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