The Drug In Me Is You // Billie Joe

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^ lol, emo ryan seaman, anyways, onto the one shot

Billie sat on his bed, sideways so his legs were crossed on the wall and his back was against the mattress. The Drug In Me Is You by Falling in Reverse blasted through his headphones. Billie was tired after school. He had nothing to do, so he just let the song loop. He got up to turn on his fairy lights.

Next, he grabbed a 2x2 Rubiks cube to fidget with. Billie loved to make the square in square pattern then return it to normal.

After the 4th rotation of the song, his foster mom, Daya, called him out of the room for dinner. When he got out, he saw a huge smile on Daya's face. He raised an eyebrow, as he grabbed his share of food.

When they sat down, Daya looked like she was going to explode. As if she really did explode, she took a deep breath.

"So, you know how you could still get adopted as none of your family is able to take you in? Someone finally agreed to take you in! You get to meet them Saturday!" Daya yelled, clearly excited for Billie. Billie nearly choked on his food, and smile at the news. He couldn't believe it, someone wanted him. He was near tears. He got up and gave Daya a hug, he was just so happy. Maybe the shitty life of before will end well.

Green Day One Shots (Mostly Millie) {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now