Brain Stew // Billie Joe

174 5 4

requested by: FxtherOf_All

request: another billie robot au

kinda prequel to do it all the time (aws's idea)

"Mike, slow down, jeez," Tré said, rushing up to Mike. Mike rolled his eyes and continued to walk, crossing his arms.

"Y'know, I don't know why we go to the dump for instruments, like we could go to a thrift store or something for cheap instruments," Tré whined.

"Really? How would we purchase said instruments? I work at a damn restaurant, all the money already goes to the rent and utilities. Your Lyft job only pays for the car and food," Mike said, bitterly. Tré stopped, but Mike didn't notice.

"Woah, Mike, come here, I think someone dropped a body off here," Tré called out. Mike turned around quickly, to see what Tré was talking about.

Where Tré was standing, there was a short, black haired boy laying on the ground with no signs of life.

Mike instantly tried to assess what was happening. So, there's a possibility dead body. Mike remembered that he could find a heart beat on the neck. He moved his fingers to find that area. Suddenly, Mike felt something, like a button, and pressed down. What he didn't expect was the loud beeps.

"Damnit, Tré, I think you found a bomb or some shit," Mike yelled.

Suddenly, the body got up.

"Billie Joe, robotic musician, enter the band name," it said, looking directly at Mike.

"Uh, th- Green Day?" Mike stuttered out, not knowing what else to say.

"En La Green Day? Is this correct?" the robotic voice said.

"No, no, it is Green Day," Mike said, hoping the robot wouldn't go Spanish.

"Green Day? Is that correct?" it repeated.

"Yes, yes," Mike said.

"What instrument will I be programmed to use?" the robot said.

"Uh, give us a minute," Mike said turning to Tré, "go find a guitar, I think I saw one before you called me over. This could be our break though!"

Tré rushed away and came back with a light blue Gibson Les Paul Junior. Mike took a good look at it and decided it was in good enough condition to use. He passed it to the robot. The robot then took the guitar and played a riff.

"I detect this is a guitar, highly out of tune, would you like me to tune it to a standard tuning?" it said.

"If ya want," Tré said, already wandering off. Mike wasn't paying attention to the robot or to Tré. Instead, he was focused on a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up, hearing a guitar being tuned in the background.

"Billie Joe, robotic musician. Instruction manual," the paper read. However, there was a huge red stamp over it, saying, scrapped. He took a look at the back and noticed that the robot costed about $9,000 to produce. His eyes widened, why would they dump a perfectly good robot. Mike read further down, finding the service number. Without thinking, he called it.

As he waited for someone to pick up, he turned around to look for Tré. But, all he saw was the robot still tuning the guitar. He started to walk around, to find his best friend.

Before Mike could find Tré, the phone picked up.

"Hello?" a high pitched, clearly fake enthusiastic voice said.

"Hi, uh, I had found a robot, he is labeled Billie Joe and-" Mike was immediately cut off.

"Billie Joe? I'll transfer you to the proper representative, he'll know what to do," the voice said, no longer sounding as enthusiastic. The hold music started to play and Mike walked a bit more, seeing Tré moving a drumset to the back of his car. That's one instrument down, only a bass is needed.

Finally, someone picked up on the service line.

"Hello, if I am correct, you said you found robot named Billie Joe?" a heavily accented voice said.

"Yeah, I just wanted to know if it was dangerous to use or if we could keep it," Mike said casually.

"Oh, yes, yes, you in a band?" the voice said.

"I am," Mike said. He always wanted to tell someone he was in a band.

"Ok, how far have you and band made with the robot?" the voice asked.

"We are still at the dump, and Billie is trying to tune a guitar," Mike said, looking back at Billie who hadn't moved.

"Good, stay, I will come and help you and band," the voice said. Mike gave a simple "Ok" before hanging up. Billie Joe was still tuning its guitar.

After 15 minutes, a broken car with a spider painted on the hood pulled up. (aka the danger days car)

A stout man walked out, looking around, seeing Mike standing next to the robot.

"Hello, I am Dr. Roberts, you said that you and band found Billie? I am willing to make deal with you," the same accent from the phone call said. Mike nodded, giving the man a hint to continue.

"So, you can use robot, but you and band must practice at special studio, I will provide studio and instruments," Dr. Roberts said, looking at the guitar Billie was holding.

"Billie Joe, put that guitar down," Dr. Roberts said, pointing to the blue guitar. The robot obeyed and gently laid thr guitar on the ground.

"So, where is rest of band?" Dr. Roberts said, looking at Mike.

"Uh, well, it's only me and my friend Tré, let me go find him," Mike said, turning to where he saw Tré disappear off to. Soon enough, he found him, sitting next to the car.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Tré asked.

"I got us a guitarist and a studio, remember that robot? The maker wants us to use it and we have to go to a special studio with instruments, but you have to be there to agree with it," Mike gushed out, pulling up Tré, tugging him towards Billie Joe and Dr. Roberts.

"Ah, I see you are back with friend, hello, I am Dr. Roberts, I have come to offer you a special opportunity," Dr. Roberts said.

"So, let me get this straight, you want us to put this robot in our band and for exchange, you give us a studio and instruments?" Tré said, making weird hand gestures. The Dr nodded.

"All you need to do is write songs and play with robot," he said.

"I'm in," said Tré. Mike nodded in agreement.

"Great, I will see you both tomorrow, here is my office address," Dr. Roberts said, handing the two a business card, "also, feel free to take robot with you, get to know it."

Green Day One Shots (Mostly Millie) {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now