Happy Pills // Trillie

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"BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Tré called out. He saw his husband stumble in, Tré could immediately tell Billie had been drinking, again.

"Heeyyyyy, babbbbbyyy," Billie slurred, giving a lopsided smile. Tré could smell the alcohol coming from Billie.

"How much did you fucking drink?" Tré asked, seeing Billie's condition.

"Dunnooo, mayyyyyybe a fewwwwww bottles, lllikeeeeeee, uh, four?" Billie giggled, stumbling down onto the couch, sitting down.

"Four- what? Billie, you need to stop drinking so much, you're gonna get hurt someday," Tré said, going towards the kitchen. To his relief, the empty bottles were already in the garbage.

"Billie, you need to clean up your act, you're not like the man I married 4 years ago."

"Pe- peopllllle changee, like, uh, like the mooon, haha, or... or... the seasons, baaabbbbbyyyyyy," Billie slurred out.

"Listen, you're too drunk, call me when you are sober, okay?"

"Babeeee, where are ya goin'?" Billie asked, trying to reach for Tré.

"To Mike's, call me when you're fucking sober, okay?"

Billie pouted and shook his head.

"Are you...are you like leavin' me for, like, ever?" he asked, getting sad.

"No, not unless you don't become sober," Tré said, grabbing his keys and going out the door. He heard something shatter and a soft "fuck", and a small part of him wanted to rush back to see if Billie was okay. He ignored it and got in his car to go to Mike's.


Billie dropped a vase when he realized Tré could be gone forever. His one love. His reason to live better. Well, actually, his reason to live.

"Fuck," he said as he tugged at his hair, realizing that he might not remember this when he was completely sober. He wrote down a note to himself.

Call Tré, make sure he knows you won't get drunk anymore.

After that, he got up and stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed his beer and threw it into the trash can. He yawned and ended up going to his room to go to sleep. Unfortunately, as he passed by the coffee table, he dropped his note to himself.


Billie woke up with a killer hangover and no memory of the previous night.

"Babe, can you please get me some pain killers?" he called out. He got no response. He groaned and rolled over and got up, in a stained shirt and boxers. He looked around the apartment a bit before he had to run into the bathroom and vomit. He groaned and kept over the toilet. When he felt stable enough to get up, he determined that Tré wasn't at the apartment.

"Maybe he went grocery shopping," he thought. He couldn't imagine himself without Tré. He spent all day waiting for Tré. The thought of drinking without knowing where Tré was scared him, to say the least. Did he fuck up last night and made Tré leave?

His foot tapped anxiously and he kept looking at the door, not seeing Tré enter. Eventually, it was 10 pm. Billie decided to sleep on the couch. Sleeping in the bed without Tré made him sad. He felt like he should sleep on the couch, even though it could mess up his back.

~time skip about 3 weeks~

Tré hasn't been home in 3 weeks. Billie was really anxious, but he decided to clean up a bit. He hasn't drank anything since Tré left him. He was worried that Tré would find him nearly dying from all the alcohol.

After cleaning his room and the kitchen, he decided to clean the living room. Scattered, there were open pizza boxes and a whole lot of water bottles and soda cans. He dropped all the garbage into a huge bag before seeing a small receipt with writing on the back.

He picked it up and saw crazily written handwriting on it. What he was able to read was, "Call Tré". The rest was either covered in pizza grease or too messy to read. He immediately dropped the receipt and grabbed his phone to call Tré. He got an immediate pick-up.

"Hey, Billie, I see you finally called me," Tré's soft voice said. Billie felt happy once he heard the voice he almost forgot to speak.

"Oh, uh, yeah, uh, sorry for what I did..." he muttered quietly.

"What do you mean? Just let me know, are you drunk? As usual?" Tré asked.

"What?! No! I haven't had anything to drink since the day you left me, now, I'm sorry for whatever I did drunk, but please come back, I love you, baby," Billie said, wanting to have Tré next to him.

"You really didn't have anything to drink for the past 3 weeks?" Tré asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice. Billie nodded then realized Tré couldn't see it, so he let out a small "yeah".

"Since you left, I was too anxious to drink, please come home," Billie said, tearing up a little.

"I will, okay? Stay calm, I'm fine," Tré reassured. He knew that if Billie wasn't reassured, then his thoughts will spiral and either he would cry or let it out in anger.


"Billie," Tré said as he entered the clean apartment. He saw Billie passed out on the couch. Why was he on the couch? He knew it could mess up his back or he could fall off and hurt himself.

Tré went over to the sleeping figure and picked Billie up to put him in the bed. While he was holding Billie, he noticed he was lighter. Tré frowned a little and gently put down Billie on the bed. He turned away, feeling a tug on his jacket.

"Stay, please," Billie murmured. Tré nodded and took off his jacket and shoes. He got in the bed and was immediately met with cuddles. The two went to sleep together.

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