Love at First Sight // Millie

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Billie had been dating Mike for the past 7 years, and he was only 21. They've been dating since freshman year of high school for them and they've stayed together so far. They have had a few problems, one of the problems resulting in a month where they didn't talk, but that was okay, because, in the end, they were back to talking to each other.

Tonight, Billie was going on a date with Mike to a nearby Village Inn, a restaurant that sells mainly pies and normal meals. But this date was different from their normal dates. Tonight, Billie was going to propose to Mike.

Yes, they were young to be getting married, but why wait? Billie knew he was in love with Mike. Billie looked at the small box in his hand and smiled at it.


The two were finishing their main meals when Billie decided to ask.

"So, Mike, y' know how we've been together for 7 years already?" Billie asked. Mike looked up and choked on his food a bit.

"I hadn't known it's been so long," Mike laughed a little.

"Yeah, anyway, it's our 7th anniversary and I wanted to ask you something," Billie said, shuffling out of the booth. Mike raised his eyebrow, not knowing what Billie was doing. Billie got on the floor, on one knee and reached into his pocket which held a rainbow band inside with the words 'I'll love you forever and a day'.

"I know we are young, but we've been together for a long time, and I know I can get annoying at times, but these past 7 years have been super amazing with you, so will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Billie asked, showing the rainbow ring. Mike made an audible gasp and covered his mouth. Billie felt happy about the reaction.

"Billie...I- I can't accept your proposal," Mike said. Billie's face fell and he close the small box.

"Sorry if I was going to fast," Billie said, going back to his seat. He started to play with what was left of his fries. That was when Mike grew a little smile.

"Wanna know why I said no?" Mike asked. Billie looked up a bit and raised his eyebrow.

"I said no because," Mike started, getting out of his seat, "I was going to propose to you, I didn't really think you were going to ask me."

Mike pulled out a small ring, a different style of rainbow, the rainbow being inside the ring. Billie smiled and started cry.

"So, even though I denied you, will you marry me?" Mike asked. Billie nodded quickly, hugging Mike as he got off the ground. The semi-full restaurant started to clap at the couple. They shared a kiss and Mike slipped the ring onto Billie's hand and Billie slipped the ring he got onto Mike's hand. They stayed standing and smiled at each other. The waitress, who saw nothing, gave them their check and they went up front to pay before leaving, all smiley and happy.

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