welcome to the end of your life // Trillie

186 4 15

i blame alix for getting me to like this band


The car, it wouldn't stop, the brakes didn't stop it soon enough. Billie felt nothing but pain. It hurt, he could feel himself slipping away. Maybe this was it. He couldn't fuck up his life anymore, so why did it matter if he died?


His now ex. He was on his way home, just minutes away from his apartment. He remembered the exact regret he has.

"You fucking shit head!" Tré yelled.

"What's wrong, baby?" Billie asked, going to hold Tré's waist.

"Don't 'baby' me, not after the shit you pulled," Tré said, growing red, pushing Billie away.


"Oh, you know what you did."

"I don't."

"Yeah, you do, fess up, is it true?"

"Is what true?!"

"So it is true, you motherfucker, I can't believe you!"

"Frank. I'm confused, okay? Just tell me what you're mad about."

"Oh, now we are on first-name basis. Wow, Billie Joe."

"Listen, what happened?"

"Did you, or did you not fuck a fan, a girl one for fucks sakes!"


"You answered too fast, get out, get the fuck away from me, I don't want to see your bitch face again."

"You're jumping to conclusions, where did you see that I fucked around with anyone else? No one even knows we are dating!"


Billie grabbed his things and walked out of Tré's house, confused and in tears.

Bright lights surrounded him. One was particularly welcoming. It grew larger and larger.


It faded. Pain flooded his body again. The memory stopped, no longer replaying in his head. No matter how hard he tried to think of it, it was gone.

Suddenly, there was nothing. Just nothing.

"Billie Joe? Is that you?" a familiar older voice called out. His father.

"Dad?!" Billie said, turning repetitively until he saw an image of his father. He ran over and hugged him.

"Hello Billie, what are you doing here?" his father asked.

"Got into a car crash, I can't remember what happened before the car crash, but I do know it made me sad, what if something happened to Mom, or Mike, or one of my siblings, or... what's his name...? I...I forgot it," Billie said, tugging at his hair. His father pushed his hands away from his head.

"B, it'll be okay, you'll wake up soon, and figure out what happened. Everything will be just fine," his father said.

"I want to stay here with you though, I don't want to know what made me sad or... what happened to get me here?" Billie said, feeling his sanity leaving him.

"Billie Joe, go back, it'll be worth it, I didn't get the chance to go back, but if I did, I would've," his father said, before pushing Billie backward. Billie fell, but it was a never-ending fall. Until...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sounds were deafening. The temperature was cold. The scent of linoleum was strong.

"He might survive."

"Billie Joe? I love you, I shouldn't have believed a dumb tweet. Please stay."

The second voice was... familiar to say the least. A warm hand grabbed his. It felt like a perfect fit.

But, the light from before was back again. So was his father.

"You went back, but you couldn't, come with me, son," his father said. Billie slowly lost the warm feeling in his hand.

"His vitals are going down! We need more staff, ASAP."

There was no heading back to the world. All the dropped memories hit him. Tré yelling at him, the crash, everything.

"I love you, Tré." And like that, he was blinded. Then, nothing.

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