1-800-DATEME // Trillie

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Billie frowned and looked around. No one was going to give him his New Year's kiss.

He was stuck at Mike's stupid party. Mike always seemed to have it slightly better than Billie. He got married before Billie even had his first boyfriend, and had W A Y better social skills than him.

Billie grabbed a cup of fruit punch and looked at the time.

11:30 pm.

He sighed and moved to the corner. No ones gonna talk to him anyways, might as well not be in the way. Well, before he could get there, he walking into someone.

His drink spilled all over his black button up and splashed onto the mystery man. This guy was about Billie's height, had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Billie felt himself melt at this look.

"Oh- I'm sorry, I'm just gonna get some napkins, really sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," Billie said, stumbling over his words.

"It's fine, I'm Tré, who might you be, fine gentleman?"

Billie blushed, looking down to hide it.

"I-I'm Billie Joe."

"Handsome name to accompany a handsome guy."

Billie knew for sure he was gay, girls were pretty, but not his type. But, he had never felt this way for a guy.

He turned to grab some napkins for their shirts and immediately noticed Tré following him.

"Ok, Billie Joe, this may be awkward to ask, but do you have a New Year's kiss?"

"I actually don't, I'm too afraid to date, I'm a little socially anxious."

"Well, consider yourself to have one, I mean if you want to kiss me even."

"Let's do it," Billie said, grabbing the napkins and handing a few to Tré. He looked up at the television, looking at the time.

11:45 pm.

"15 minutes then we are at a whole new decade," Tré said, breaking the mutual silence. Billie nodded, realizing this will be his first kiss since the spin the bottle in 11th grade. That was almost 7 years ago.

"Before we kiss though, we should get to know about each other a bit, right?" Tré said, again breaking the silence. The pair moved to a clear spot on the couch.

"Hah, yeah, you go first."

"Well, how did you meet Mike? Or how'd you end up at this party?"

"Oh, I've known Mike since we were like, 10, and we just never lost contact."

"Nice, I was dragged here by one of my friends who met Mike last year."

"Cool, uh, well, ummm, are you from here or did you live somewhere else before?"

"I was actually born in Frankfurt, Germany."

"Woah, I was born in boring old Oakland, Cali."

"It's not boring if you were there."

Billie smiled to himself and looked at the time.

11:55 pm.

He saw people starting to watch the show and preparing for the new year.

Tré left to get them both a glass of champagne. Billie wouldn't be surprised if it was just an excuse to leave him. His thoughts started to spiral and he tried his best to hide the panic. There were so many people around.

What if someone sees him panicking? What if Tré doesn't want to hang out and was only being nice because he knew Mike? WHAT IF-

"Hey," Tré said, pulling Billie from his thoughts. Seeing Billie's face, Tré grew a worried expression.

"Hey, hey, it's good, look, do you want some water? Here, let me get some water for you, everything will be alright, hear me?"

Tré stood up, only for Billie to tug on his shirt.

"N-no, please do-don't leave. Please," Billie croaked out.

Suddenly, everyone around them started to count down from 30.

"Wanna join the count down?"

Billie nodded and quietly waited until they got to 10.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1!" Everyone yelled and turned to kiss their New Year's person.

Tré tackled Billie down on the couch, catching him in surprise.

"Go on a date with me?" Tré said, when they broke apart.

"With a kiss like that, duh."

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