Burn. // Millie

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Billie cried as he tore the letters in 2, then 4, and kept going until it was tiny shreds. He got to the last one and teared up.

Dear Billie,

I want to start off strong, but there's no other way around to get this done. I'm not going to lie to you, though. As much as you don't know, I had lied to you a lot.

You may have heard some... stuff from people. Especially stuff about me.

I'll be honest. I loved you. But, do you want to know the full story?

She came to our house and told me she was being abused by her husband and wanted someone to walk her home. I was being a gentleman... then she persuaded me to go upstairs with her.

I'm only letting this out so I don't get in trouble, if the world didn't know this, then I could get in trouble for paying her husband.

Signed, your beloved

Billie stifled the tears and heard a knock on his door. He put the letter into the pile, whole, and went to answer the door.

"Oh my goodness, Billie, I'm sorry, could you please for-" Mike started.

"Stop right there, I don't care, I can't forgive you, you chose the woman over me, you made the choice, so live with it. I want to watch you burn," Billie hissed out. He slammed the door and broke down crying.

He just screamed at the one he loved. The one he loves.

Billie got up and looked at the pile of torn up paper and saw the fireplace right by it. He pulled himself together and put some fire wood in the fireplace and lit it.

He then picked up some of the pile and threw it in, seeing the pieces lighting up and burning to ash. Billie got to the last note and rather than tearing it up, he put the corner into the flame and held it, watching it go down in the small flame. He dropped the remainder in the fireplace once it was getting close to his hand.

He smiled a little and felt a weight come off his shoulders as he saw the fire dying. Eventually, he was upstairs and going to bed. But he couldn't help but be helplessly in love still, it doesn't go away.

Green Day One Shots (Mostly Millie) {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now