Terrible Things // Millie

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(im sad, as usual, so, a sad one shot, but it ends happy-ish)


Billie cried. He wanted to hold his fiancee's hands. Let him know that everything would be okay. But he could only stand at a distance. Life can do terrible things to those in love.

He saw Mike, with another I.V. in his arm. He knew it was another round of chemotherapy. He knocked on the window softly, seeing Mike look up at the door. Mike's smile was weak, but still beautiful. Billie pointed down at the doorknob, showing he was asking if he could go in. Mike's smile faded and was replaced with a small head shake. Billie couldn't see his fiancee, and all because he had colon cancer.

Billie felt defeated and made a heart with his first fingers and thumbs, spreading out the rest of his fingers to show his love was bigger than his heart.

He remembered when Mike first asked why he did that instead of using all his fingers for the top. It was just after their first date.

Mike returned the sign and Billie walked out of the ward and out of the hospital to his car. He smacked his head against the steering wheel and a few tears fell down his face. He missed being able to see Mike whenever he wanted. Billie had the perfect plan for living with Mike. They were supposed to own 3 dogs together and possibly a kid if Mike wanted one. He felt like he was dealt a bad hand at for his life.


Mike had been in isolation for the past few weeks. Billie was back outside the door, getting ready to knock. But, little did he know, Mike had good news for him.

The knock came and Mike smiled up at Billie, seeing the tired, yet loving face of his fiancee. Billie pointed down at the doorknob as usual. Mike's smile became a little larger and he nodded. Billie's face lit up and he opened the door. Mike sat up, being careful of the I.V.s on his arm. Billie rushed over to Mike, holding Mike's thin, cold hands in his warm, soft ones. Billie pushed Mike's hair away from his face, a bit coming out, but bald or mullet, he loved Mike for Mike and not his looks.

"I miss talking to you, are you going to be okay?" Billie asked, holding Mike's hands a bit tighter after he said 'okay'.

"Yeah, the cancer has started to go away, I can start seeing people and soon I can leave and living my old life. We can get married and live however you want," Mike said, smiling at Billie. Billie was in tears, he couldn't believe Mike was going to be okay. His life may not be so bad after all.

~~proposal cause i wanted to~~

"Mike, we've been dating for 3 years, you've been the best thing to happen with me, and I feel like I should spend the rest of my life with you, so, will you make me the happiest man in this universe and marry me?" Billie asked his boyfriend. Mike was in tears from what Billie could see.

"Babe, I need an answer, I'm not all too comfortable down here," Billie laughed.

"Yes, yes, I will," Mike said through his tears. He was so happy.

(huh...so being sad = writing sad beginning, but then making a happy ending = being happy-ish afterwards...good to know)

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