you should see me in a crown // Trillie

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(pt. 2)


Billie was terrified of the idea of what his mother would do if she knew he snuck out.

"Billie? Are you okay?" Tré asked again, emphasizing the 'okay'. Billie wanted to shake his head, say that he isn't. To tell his friend- crush-, that he was scared. That he doesn't want to be around his mother ever again. But all he did was let out a squeak. Not a happy squeak, more like a squeak an old door would make. He curled up tighter and tried to hide his face.

That's when he felt the hold on his arm. On his burns and cuts. He pulled his arm away really fast, hissing at the pain. He didn't want to be there. Maybe he should've stayed home. Never had found that milk door. He tried to stand up, but his knees gave out beneath him, cause Tré to reach out and catch him.

"Billie, you have the choice of going with me to my house or your house, and based on your reaction earlier, I suggest my house," Tré said, trying to fit Billie into his arms, bridal style, even though Billie was unusually light for a 17-year-old boy. Billie had no other choice but to comply with Tré. He shoved his head into Tré chest, trying to use him as a shield from all danger. But this is normal for friends to do. Right?

Tré shushed Billie and held him close, feeling how broken he really was. He always knew Billie was quiet about certain topics, but never felt like he was really this hurt.

"Tré?" Billie asked as they began to head for Tré's house. Tré hummed in response, lost over the fact of just how much and why his best friend could be hurting.

"It hurts, really bad," Billie said, playing with his sleeves, keeping his arms around Tré's neck.

"What hurts?" Tré asked, trying to hurry to his house.

"My arms, and my head," Billie said, trying to muffle it through the other's chest. Tré frowned. His arms hurt? Could this mean his friend self-harmed? Why would he do that? He does know he's wonderful, right?

"You are wonderful, you do know that, right?" Tré said, turning the last turn to his house. He felt Billie shake his head against his chest.

"Yeah, Billie, you are so beautiful and wonderful, and, well, I don't understand how you make the worst things some of the best."

"No, I'm not, I swear, I probably make everyone hate me, don't lie to me," Billie tried to hide away in Tré's chest again. Tré frowned as he walked up to his driveway and into his house.

"Ma! Pa! I have someone over, are you guys here?" Tré called out. He heard no response and determined that his parents weren't home. He carried Billie to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. He tried to move Billie's sleeves but was met by a slap on the arm.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slap you, it was instincts," Billie let out. He didn't think Tré would act like his mother, but he never knew.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down, B, why are you so jumpy all of a sudden?" Tré said, holding his hands out, trying to prove he wasn't going to hurt Billie. Billie took shallow breaths, muttering "sorry" over and over again. He finally looked at Tré, tearing up. He was scared, but he also felt safe. Tré had no idea what to do, he cared about the boy and didn't want to hurt him. Billie wanted to try to let this out.

"Tré, I'm sorry, I'm scared," Billie said, before realizing he said it. He immediately looked away. Anywhere but Tré's face.

(ugh, this is getting long again, part 3 next)

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